Debilitated Guru in my Horoscope and Kalsarp Dosha

  • This topic has 4 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 3 months, 3 weeks ago by Astrologer Debraj Acharya.
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    • #766 Reply

      Dear sir, please tell me about my jupiter and kal sarpyog. I am very frustated iter and kal sarpyog. I am very frustated in my life due to my career prospects.

      My dob 01.03.1985
      Time 16.20
      Place muzaffarnagar, up, india



    • #769 Reply

      Looking at your horoscope , you are very fickle minded person. Stressed and tensed over small issues. As you have Kemdrum dosha you will put lot of efforts in life but results will not be reciprocated in the same manner. Moon is also debilitated is debilitated in Navamsa and Jupiter is debilitated in Lagan chart as it is in the sign of Capricorn. You are in the Main period of Jupiter and sub period of Exalted Venus, this is time to be creative in your work. You need to highlight your efforts so that you can be visible to all. Gains are surely in this period if you put good efforts.

      Do the following upayas.

      1. Keep fast on Thursdays.
      2. Read Hanuman Chalisa daily.
      3. Human ji puja every Tuesdays.

      God Bless,

      Navneet Khanna

      God Bless,

    • #823 Reply
      jageshwor atreya

      dear guruji parnam
      i got your kind message from facebook comment box i found something is great in your prediction could you kindly tell me about my future ,marriage,income
      i was born in:1985/08/27
      time of birth:23:24

    • #824 Reply
      Siva Venkata Rajesh. Atluru

      Hi Sir,

      My details are:

      DOB: 03-October-1983

      Time of Birth: 12:40 p.m (afternoon)

      Place of Birth: Vijayawada, A.P

      Sir, I am very impressed and thankful for the wonderful service you are doing.
      I would like to know 2 things. The main thing i want to know is when i can do my spiritual sadhana with peace. I am very much interested in spirituality, but because of lots of problems i am unable to concentrate. So kindly tell me when i can be at peace financially by clearing the lots of debts of our family and personal debts and when i can peacefully pursue my spiritual sadhana and what is the best period for me to evolve spiritually.

      Thank You Sir.



    • #146828 Reply
      Astrologer Debraj Acharya

      Gautam, I understand that you’re feeling frustrated with your career prospects and are seeking insight into your Jupiter placement and the Kal Sarpyog in your astrological chart.

      Jupiter is known as the planet of expansion, wisdom, and good fortune in astrology. Its placement in your birth chart can indicate areas of life where you may experience growth and abundance. Kal Sarpyog, on the other hand, is a combination of planets in Vedic astrology that is believed to bring obstacles and challenges in one’s life.

      To analyze your Jupiter placement and Kal Sarpyog, I would need to cast your birth chart. However, based on your birth details, I can provide some general insights:

      Jupiter Placement: Jupiter was in Capricorn during your birth, as per your birth details. Capricorn is a sign associated with career, ambition, and long-term goals. Jupiter’s influence here can suggest that you have the potential for success in your career, but it may require patience, hard work, and perseverance. Capricorn energy is disciplined and focused, so tapping into these qualities may help you navigate any challenges you encounter in your professional life.

      Kal Sarpyog: To provide a more accurate analysis of Kal Sarpyog, I would need to examine the specific planetary combinations in your birth chart. This combination can vary from individual to individual based on the positions of different planets at the time of birth. Kal Sarpyog generally indicates obstacles or delays in various areas of life, including career. However, it’s essential to remember that astrological influences are not deterministic and can be mitigated through conscious efforts and strategic actions.

      It’s important to approach astrology as a tool for self-awareness and guidance rather than as a definitive predictor of outcomes. While astrological insights can provide valuable perspectives, they should not be the sole basis for decision-making. If you’re feeling frustrated with your career prospects, consider seeking guidance from a career counselor or coach who can help you explore your strengths, interests, and options.

      Remember, your birth chart is just one piece of the puzzle, and your choices and actions ultimately shape your destiny. Stay resilient, stay focused, and trust in your ability to overcome challenges and create a fulfilling career path.

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