
  • This topic has 5 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by TMR.
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    • #26740 Reply

      hi sir ,

      Hi sir, plz let me know whether my birth chart shows love or arranged marriage. will i marry the person whom i love? when can my marriage happen? will it at least happen in next year? because i could not see any chances of my marriage this year.

      Details 16th dec 1991, evng 6.17 pm, Visakhapatnam

    • #26742 Reply
      J V S Rao

      chances for marriage are within a year. the boy comes from the same locality. pls inform your parents regarding your love you have fallen from 24-10-2014 and take the advice of them. From 25-06-2017 you will feel tensions and disturbances. Pls think and take care of your health.
      God bless you.
      — jvsrao

      • #26745 Reply

        Yes sir already informed in both the families. But his brother marriage is yet to happen and we are waiting to get married after his. We are of different caste. Is there intercaste love marriage in my horoscope plz let me know sir

    • #26744 Reply
      K.Umamaheswara rao

      Your lagna is Midhuna.
      You are running Sukra period.
      So,marriage bells are near.
      But Rahu is in seventh house.
      You may face marriage problems.
      Better you agree for the arranged marriage.
      There will be protection from marriage,
      if you take arranged marriage.
      [email protected]

    • #26770 Reply

      Very high chances of intercaste marriage as Rahu is in your 7th house.You can get married before mid August this year.

    • #26774 Reply

      Rahu though it is a natural malefic need not necessarily hurt when placed in any house. There are a number of horoscopes where Rahu has done great positive contributions. Rahu and Kethu are imaginary planets and they inherit the properties of the lord of the houses in which they are placed. Akash Astro’s observations in this regard that you will have inter caste marriage is totally wrong. In fact astrology does not recognise or endorse caste, creed or religion. It is just superstition that provokes such meaningless answers.

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