Marriage problem

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    • #19860 Reply

      MY birth details are:

      DOB:20th June, 1987
      TOB: 14:40
      POB: Calcutta, West Bengal

      I am getting good marriage proposals but there are some or the other issues, and no talks move ahead. Recently talks were going on with a guy, which just ended.

      I am really depressed. We have already done grah puja. Moon and rahu jaap nd puja and angarak viddhi for mars and sun conjunction but nothing has worked till now. I even wear chandra. I am a religious person and I regularly do paath and puja with deep faith in God.

      Why is my marriage getting delayed and when am I expected to get married? Will I get the guy as per my expectations? Please help me navneet sir.

    • #19862 Reply

      Being a religious person does not mean that you will have your heart’s desire by doing some pooja or bribery to god. God knows what you need, and your wants have no say in the matter. Read my blog particularly the article “What is life and why we are here”. Your spiritual knowledge is nothing but blatant superstition.

      • #19863 Reply

        Thank you sir. But I don’t do paath or pray to bribe God. It is just my faith and love for God that makes me do that.

    • #19865 Reply

      Hi Divya

      current dasa is Sun and Moon till april 2017….its good period for marriage most prob marriage will take place Feb march 2017 or since Jupiter will go retrograde after July 2017…once transit Jupiter connects with natal jupiter in 7th house. and saturn too connects with natal 7th lord mars..during 2017.


      • #19866 Reply

        Thank you satish sir. How will my future life partner be? I am not finding the guy of my choice so I am tensed.

        • #19896 Reply

          Hi Divya

          pls give ur facebook id or ur email id.. or add my id ( as this forum is not the right place for more discussiins..
          Lagna is occupied on either side by ketu and Saturn…saturn in 2..may give rise few financial problems. And any health issues you are suffering from?
          And upapada lagna relating to marriage lord is Jupiter and its placed in 7th house of marriage….so Jupiter protection is always there.and marriage is happy one. Life partner will be very caring, as mars marriage planet is in Jupiter star. And navamsa its ruled by sun means he will be dignified and has status.
          One more reason I find is that due to Saturn..ruling the 2n cusp. You may not talk much, or others may not find you confortable to talk t as you do not open up ..Im I correct?
          Married life is good as karaka venus is in own house and Jupiter aspects lagna. And Saturn is lagna lord in lagna in navamsa.
          In navamsa Saturn,mars and Jupiter aspect the 7th you need to be very careful while matching charts..and choossng correct life parther
          Moon rahu given many tensions so you have carefully plan life in positive direction and be practical and also adjusting….moon rahu can also mean you may have been cheated by others and tend to belive evry one.Is you basic tense nature that is creating need not will get good life partner


        • #19916 Reply

          Thanks a lot for detailed analysis satish sir..

          About sharing and talking.. I share my feelings very much.. I open up with people quickly.. I can talk about everything very easily. So that point didn’t relate to my personality as I am a very expressive person.

          Yes I tend to believe in people quickly.. that’s why I have been cheated.. But now I think properly and practically too, but I still tend to believe. But after sometime I come to realize the truth. So that relates.

          I need to become adjusting.. that is true too.

          And yes I do worry a lot. Take unnecessary tensions and that creates problem too. That is also true.. I wear a chandra, but doesn’t seem to be helping much.

          As you had mentioned about matching charts and being careful, I want to share birth details of a guy who I am not sure about and talks have stopped right now as I am not sure.

          DOB: 22nd December, 1987
          TOB: 05:05 AM
          POB: Junagadh, Gujarat

          Do we have chances of getting married?

          Will be really grateful if you can give your analysis in this too satish sir. Thanks

        • #19930 Reply

          Hi Divya

          kindly give me your email id i will mail you details regarding your i feel this is not the right forum for detailed discussion


          my email is [email protected]

    • #19904 Reply
      K.Umamaheswara rao

      Your lagna is Tula.
      Your lagna owner is Sukra.
      Sukra is in in own house ,in 8th house.
      So,Sukra is ignoring lagna by sitting in
      other malefic house.
      It is a strong negative point for
      your personality and also for marriage.

      Guru is very bad planet for your lagna.
      Its placement in seventh house is bad.
      It is a negative point .
      Of course ,Sani and Budha are well placed.

      Have a realistic view of your horoscope.
      You have to do penance for 6months to reduce
      the malefic nature of Guru in delaying your
      Please read in google-penance method to clean
      [email protected]

    • #19947 Reply

      My Venus is in the 6th house along with Uranus and Pluto. No planet in 7th house. Got married in 2002 but facing problems right from the beginning..may be due to outside influence. Pls help

      • #19949 Reply

        request to give complete of birth , time of birth and place of birth

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