Navneet sir-Neechbhang yoga

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    • #25168 Reply

      Respected Navneet sir,
      What is neechbhang rajyoga in horoscope. Is there any such yog in my horoscope?
      Also let me know is there any possibility of abroad travel in near future.
      DOB 12th oct 1985
      Time 3:10pm
      Place Saharanpur, Uttar Pradesh

    • #25171 Reply
      Navneet Khanna

      In your horoscope Jupiter is debilitated or Neech, its debilitation or Neechta gets cancelled as Saturn which is the lord of Capricorn aspects Jupiter.


      Navneet Khanna

      • #25176 Reply

        But sir what does it mean to my horoscope. What are its effect. Please help me understand. I’m currently suffering a lot of humiliation and hardship at work place. Do I have any abroad travel yoga in near future.?

        • #25183 Reply

          Will anyone having knowledge about it reply? All people knowledgeable of astrology welcome to answer my query.

        • #25184 Reply

          Thank you very much for your kind reply sir. Very grateful to you. Many many thanks.

    • #25182 Reply
      Navneet Khanna

      Jupiter is the lord of 12th house and 3rd house in your natal chart, 12th house is for expenses and even foreign land. 3rd house is the house of initiatives, courage and friends. 3rd and 12th lord gets debilitated in the 1st house, means that the person does lot of expenses, is basically of spendthrift nature. There is a strong desire to go overseas and visit foreign land and places. The person workd but fails to get recognition. These all because of Neech or debilitated Jupiter.

      Jupiter is one planet which has the power to bring lots of good results that a person wants in his /her life. When Saturn aspects debilitated Jupiter it cancels the debilitation. Saturn is the planet of determination, hard work, sincerity, will power. Therefore by invoking the powers of Saturn we can cancel Jupiters debilitation.


      Navneet Khanna

    • #25186 Reply
      Navneet Khanna

      Dear Guddu,

      If you are satisfied please spread the word of this website through Facebook, Twitter and other social media group to your friends, who can also participate and we have a large group of astrology lovers 🙂

      Thanks & Blessings,

      Navneet Khanna
      Vedic Astrologer

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