Query for Satish Sir

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    • #19879 Reply

      When Will I get married?
      how will be my husband n my family life?

      Dob 28-feb-1985
      time : 7:24 pm
      place – varanasi, U.P

    • #19901 Reply

      Hi leena

      pls give ue email id or facebook id or add me as freind on facebook ( https://www.facebook.com/ratish.ch.9 ) as this is not proper form for detailed discussin.

      Venus mars is not good as venus is afflicted by 3/8 th lord, prayers to lord Hanuman will help.Do it on Saturdays immediately
      Married life will be good as Saturn rules 7th house and its can give marriage for ur lagan as its own star, married life will be stable as is nature of Saturn,
      Venus can give nice person as life parter..as venus in mercury star..and mercury in 6, give some quarrekls and disputes but will be in control.
      7th lord being aspected by Saturn can give person who is but matured in looks. A workhokolic
      Jupiter 7th lord is in moon star who is labha house planet..so 7th lord of marriage has retained its character. Upa lord is venus is exalted…and in star of mercury the lagna lord.
      Saturn rules 7th cusp. And mercury is sub lord.
      Jupiter is debilitated but aspected by Saturn so debilitation is cancelled.
      Current dasa Jupiter mercury till apri 2017 , good chance to happen during Dec , 2016, There after ketu in star of Jupiter and tula raasi so ketu dasa too can give marriage till 2017 year end and 2018 too is good as venus.. is 7th house and its great planet for your lagan.
      Mercury and Jupiter periods though have capacity to give marriage they are not giving good result due to weakness. As degree wise they are not able to give resut…Saturn is good and it can delay but give better result


    • #19911 Reply

      Thanks sir my venus mars 3/8 affected means sir to start lord hanuman prayers immediately sir is it to weak sir..

      Sir what effects for dec2016 as u told pls describe sir

      • #19912 Reply

        pls read my mail in ful…..venus is afflicted..due to mars connection, mars is actually strong.its an enemy to ur lagna…when mars is strong it gives great strength and short temper..do you have short temper, at same time it gives good phsycial strength..
        though its in freindly raasi..but puja can reduce ill effcets of mars.

        chances of marriage settlement during Dec 2016


        • #19914 Reply

          Thanks sir will my life partner will be in job or business how will he be financially n education n family n his nature
          sir will this mars being energetic yes it makes me strong mangalik
          so being ketu jup period of 2017 will be more good n yes jup mer period being weak was bad time more sufferings

        • #19915 Reply

          read this line again….Venus can give nice person as life parter..as venus in mercury star..and mercury in 6, give some quarrekls and disputes but will be in control

          jupiter in moon star..life partner will be very good..bt due to saturn aspect he may bit reserved nature, mature looks.family of life partner will be good
          cannot tell exactly about life partner profession from your chart..

    • #19921 Reply


      Your husband will be from a fairly respectable or financially secure background.
      You will find ur husband intelligent and informed. He will be broad minded and will understand ur need for freedom.
      All the planets in ur horoscope tells u will have a smooth and happy married life.

      May God bless you. ….

      • #19927 Reply

        Thanks sir how will be 2017 2018 career wise

        • #19931 Reply

          Hi leena

          pls give me ur email id as i cannot discuss in detail in public forum

          starting from 2017 aug , till 2019 due to jupiter transit , career will be good…more details thru email..


          my email : [email protected]

    • #19945 Reply

      Sathish replies to girls only. dont give him your email id. he may be a weirdo

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