Should I change career?

  • This topic has 12 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by Rajiv.
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    • #32088 Reply

      I’m currently working as a School teacher ,but I’m not totally satisfied with the job,as I’m mostly interested in government jobs/bank jobs..
      So,should I change career,will that be fruitful?
      And how’s my chart career wise..
      Waiting for some valuable advice..

    • #32096 Reply

      A teaching job is any day better than a government job doing routine monotonous work everyday. Even if you want to do something great the bureaucratic process is so complicated that you will never be able to do it. A Guru is what elevates a human being to higher standards and being a part of it is divine.

    • #32126 Reply

      But isn’t the government job is more safe and steady in long run? And also money wise it’s good too..

    • #32166 Reply

      A job under government is safe only when ruled by corrupt politicians like those times when we had Congress ministry in the center. Today they will be sacked on the spot if they do not do their job properly and efficiently. And this trend is likely to continue.

    • #32307 Reply

      Ok,thank you for the answer..

    • #32311 Reply
      JVS Rao

      dear Rajiv
      Don’t make such type of thoughts to change the job. Even you have interest or not you will continue till March 2018. Then you will try to change the job and put yourself into troubles. I advise you to think and act.
      Good Luck

    • #32331 Reply

      Ok sir,I will continue with this job,but will my status improve in future specially in terms of monetary gains..
      Thank you for the support..

    • #32336 Reply
      JVS Rao

      The running period is Venus dasa and Jupiter bhukti upto March 2018. Next comes Saturn. It is upto 12-05-2021.
      Saturn is in the star of Moon (5th lord in 5th house – house of pleasurable pursuits, labha to whom you deal with). You can not get money from the people you deal with. As you are an employee you can not get salary in full or in time from your employer.
      Saturn aspecting Moon is also not good. It gives you repeated efforts so that you will get frustration in every thing. Apparently every thing will be good. Status will improve, but monetary wise it is not encouraging. Keep in mind.
      Good Luck

    • #32341 Reply

      Is that result permanent for whole life? Or the situation will improve in sun,moon,mars Dasha’s in future? Specially after 1st Saturn

    • #32342 Reply
      JVS Rao

      Let us observe in Saturn upto 2021. Venus dasa is upto 2025. The period would not give same effect through out its period. It depends on bhukti lords. Next comes Mercury bhukti. It is good.
      First of all let us observe Saturn. We will think of later about the other periods as the planets are connected to 5th.
      Pray lord Siva and Parvati or your family deity. You will be happy.
      Good Luck

    • #32350 Reply

      Ok sir, let’s hope everything will become better and thank you once again for the reply..

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