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    • #115934 Reply

      Dob- 1st October 2005

      Time- 10:12 am

      Place- Delhi

      Sir this is my daughter’s chart. Someone said that she will have more thana one marriage or multiple marriages.  Is that true? Pls reply 🙏

    • #115946 Reply
      Navneet Khanna

      Looking at the birth chart of your daughter we see that her lagan is Scorpio and Rashi is Leo. Sun mahadasha is going on till March 2023.  Ketu aspects the 7th house of marriage which is not good, but it does not mean that she will have multiple marriage. Having a yog in a horoscope does not mean that it will fructify. It all depends upon the mahadasha and antardasha that she will run later in her life. Even if the yog is there, but that mahadasha does not come, the yog will not fructify. SO do not get paranoid just because someone as said that she has multiple marriage yog. All you have to do is do proper matching of the horoscope before marriage. That should take care of lot of things and give her a good marital life.


      Navneet Khanna


    • #115947 Reply

      Thank you so much sir 🙏

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