Abroad settlement

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    • #119801 Reply


      6th October 1990

      17:42 PM

      Motihari, Bihar

      I have got a job offer from abroad i.e, London but due to some family disturbances I cannot join there before May month. Though, company wants me to join at earliest by Feb or max by March. I am in talks with company to allow me join in May. Will company be convinced or they will withdraw the offer ? Will I settle in abroad with this offer in May or I will lose this opportunity ?

    • #119810 Reply
      Navneet Khanna

      As you are in the main period of Mars and sub period of Rahu. Rahu will soon enter your 2nd house of finance. So there is a possibility that the opportunity maybe missed if not taken. Also as your Rahu is in the 11th house of natal chart, do check all documents before taking the step.


      Navneet Khanna


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