Health and Career

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    • #122428 Reply

      I had to drop out of PhD in Plant Sciences twice because of tuberculosis disease. Now after 4 years I want to start my career again but I am very confused which field to go in and what to do? Can you please guide me wether I should go for govt exams or start my PhD again or go into school teaching or corporate jobs or social work. I am very scared about starting PhD again and getting the disease again because of previous two experiences.
      My details are as follows
      11:28 AM
      Guntur, Andhra Pradesh

    • #122444 Reply

      Dear Ramya
      In your chart it is found that you have a weak constitution. You are good in your education, but because of your weak constitution you could not do your PHd in the previous periods.
      Regarding your PHd: Here research house (9th) sublord is Moon and well placed in 11th house with lord of 1st (self) and 6th (house of sickness). It is good for education but it gives you sickness and relief. There are strong chances to complete your PHd in the period 27-03-2027 to 26-07-2028. There are feeble chances in 2023.
      You will face and come out of your tensions easily and unexpectedly. There are chances to go to teaching line. You will not go to far off place.
      In Saturn sub period which stars from 23-06-2022 you try for government exams and get through it.
      Good Luck

    • #122472 Reply

      Respected J+V+Subbarao sir,

      I had asked a question on similar topic related to career and marriage on previous question and requested answer from you. Can you kindly help with the same.

      Thanking you,

    • #122479 Reply

      Dear Shivani
      Ask your questions in a new thread not in others’. You have specified Navneet Sir. TMR sir also answered your questions.
      You are active, very intelligent and have fertile imagination. But sometimes you postpone things. Feels lethargic. Sometimes there would be impulsive actions. In 2006 or 2007 you might have faced health issues related to lungs.
      Education : There are chances for higher education. More chances are for doing M.B.A.
      Abroad : There are no chances to go abroad. In course of time you may go.
      Marriage : You marry a boy with deep affection who hails from your native place or the same locality where you reside. He will be a decent fellow and an employee. Your married life will be pleasant because of the boy. Sometimes you may hurt the boy with your words and spoil the pleasantness. There are chances for your marriage in this bhukti which ends on 19-04-2023.
      If you require any more please ask Navneet sir or TMR sir in paid consultation. They will guide you.
      Good lUck

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