Health issue

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    • #135202 Reply

      I’m a mother of 2 school going kids suffering from leg pain and back pain , taking ayurvedic medicines for last two years, no improvement. Please check my chart an tell when will I get cured..

      22.11.1982 time 9.50pm Chennai

      Thank you.

    • #135213 Reply


      Ideally, it would help if you were to provide all relevant background details to set the context – as you would do with a doctor.

      Anyways, from an astrological point of view following points would perhaps help you connect:

      1. Given birth-details seems to place Udaya Lagna or Ascendent in Karkataka Rashi and Lagna Lord Moon/Chandra in Makara Rashi, aspecting Udaya Lagna.

      2. You are currently in the last stage of Sade-Sathi or Saturn/Shani-dev’s transit across natal placement of Moon/Chandra. It was at the peak before the transit to Kumbha Rashi.

      3. At the peak of Sade-Sathi and now you are in the fag end of Roga-Karaka Jupiter/Guru-dev’s Maha-Dasha. Both Jupiter/Guru-dev and Saturn/Shani-dev are in loose conjunction in the 4th house of Tula Rashi. Any association of Saturn/Shani-dev invariably opens door for long-term or chronic issues. Incidentally, Antara of Rahu would have probably made it difficult to diagnose and identify the root-cause.

      4.  You will soon be starting Maha-Dasha of Saturn/Shani-dev, who is strongly placed in his Uccha-Sthana or sign of exaltation. He is not really a benefic for the birth-chart and is the significator of all bone/joints related ailments. Hopefully, there is nothing serious to worry about.

      In any case, it would make sense for you to consider appeasing Saturn/Shani-dev and Jupiter/Guru-dev, with regular chanting of simple mantras or offering special prayers with unwavering faith, bhakti/devotion and a strong sankalpa… based on acuteness of the problem.

      Take care…

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