Patni Bahot Jagdalu Aur AALSI/LAZY Hai

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    • #137354 Reply

      Hello Sir,

      My Details : 14th NOV 1982, 02.10 AM, Ahmedabad Gujrat
      Wife Details : December 29, 1982, 11 : 35 AM, Rajkot Gujrat

      Meri wife badi jagdalu aur gussel prakriti ki hai use mera koi kaam karne me ruchi nathi aur wo basic needs bhi nahi deti like Khana banadena, Respect Me and my familly. Aur bahot hi AALSI/LAZY pravriti ki hai.

      Even hamari BETI ko bhi Proper Khana nahi bana deti

      Kya muje aise hi apni zindgi jini padegi yaa acha ho sakega.

      Please muje koi asai upay de taki kuch acha ho jaye.

      Please muje detail me bataye.

      Aapka bahot dhanyavaad.

      Thank You

    • #137356 Reply

      I see that in both your charts there is Kuja Dosha Effect. This means that both of you are very independent mentality people. Both of you do not like to serve, instead want others to serve them. This is the main reason for conflict. There is constant competition to dominate each other.

      The only way to end this dominance of each other is to surrender. If you begin to serve your wife selflessly then she will also give up her dominating mentality. You should not expect anything from her, instead see how you can help her. But if you do this just as a pretense to get her to serve you then this will fail.

      I also see that there is Mars/Ketu combination in your chart which means there is uncontrolled anger in you. Please practice breathing exercise and pranayama to control anger.

    • #137362 Reply


      An interesting case indeed. Below are some observations from both charts:

      In the male/husband’s birth-chart, Udaya Lagna is placed in Simha/Leo Rashi and Lagna Lord Sun/Ravi is placed in his Neecha-Sthana or sign of debilitation. He is part of conglomeration in the 3rd house, including Uccha or exalted Saturn/Shani-dev, Jupiter/Guru-dev, Moon/Chandra and Mercury/Budha. Some of them are too close to Sun/Ravi for comfort and seem to have been torched by him. In fact, Jupiter/Guru-dev is neither happy nor comfortably placed. He seems to engage in a planetary war of Graha Yudha.

      Current Maha-Dasha is that of Uccha or exalted Saturn/Shani-dev. He rules 6th and co-lords 7th house (signifying Kalathra-Karaka) is not necessarily beneficially inclined. Lagna Lord representing self is placed in his Neecha-Sthana or sign of debilitation and has below par Vimsopaka Bala and Shadbala.

      In the female/wife’s birth-chart, Udaya Lagna is placed in Kumbha/Aquarius Rashi and Lagna Lords (both co-lords) are placed in his Uccha-Stana or sign of exaltation. 7th lord Sun/Ravi is placed in the 11th house of Desire Fulfillment. He is conjunct Ketu and Venus/Shukra… in fact, he participates in Sukshma Parivarthana with Venus/Shukra, at the Nakshatra level. On the sidelines, Mars/Kuja is placed in his Uccha-Sthana or sign of exaltation. He is conjunct with his less favorite compatriot Mercury/Budha… and will probably be inclined toward mischief. So, his 8th aspect on the 7th house is not preferred. Apart from all these, Moon/Chandra is placed in his Uccha-Sthana or sign of exaltation. He has very little support on either side of the flanks, making her a bit lonesome (with few friends and limited social life), stubborn with a mind of her own. Lastly, too many planets/Graha are placed in their Uccha-Sthana or signs of exaltation. They would be influencing her in different ways…

      Further, current Maha-Dasha is that of Uccha or exalted Saturn/Shani-dev. He co-lords the 1st house, signifying self and lords over the 12th house of Vyaya/Losses. He aspects the 11th house and it’s occupants Sun/Ravi, Venus/Shukra and Ketu. He has also activated the planets placed in the 12th house and his Nakshatra depositor Rahu.

      Hopefully, this should explain the situation more precisely…

      Take care…

    • #137363 Reply


      By the way, given a chance she will probably have a lot to describe your nature and inadequacies. So, pointing fingers or bad-mouthing (or even harboring less appreciative opinions) each other will not help. Instead, it would make more sense to accept each other the way you are (not to forget the planetary influences at play) and try to bring about positive changes by way of love/trust.

      Take care…

      • #137374 Reply

        Hello All,

        Thank you for your kind opinion for betterment in my life. but to the truth/fact my wife not even comfortably talk about our daughter she got angry very easy and even violent some time. I am continuously stay her father home since last 10 years something like “GHAR JAMAI”.

        Which planet i need to some remedies to improve my life.
        Please muje detail me bataye.

        Aapka bahot dhanyavaad.

        Thank You

    • #137375 Reply

      Hello All,

      Thank you for your kind opinion for betterment in my life. but to the truth/fact my wife not even comfortably talk about our daughter she got angry very easy and even violent some time. I am continuously stay her father home since last 10 years something like “GHAR JAMAI”.

      Which planet i need to some remedies to improve my life.
      Please muje detail me bataye.

      Aapka bahot dhanyavaad.

      Thank You

      • #137385 Reply


        It would perhaps make sense for your to consider strengthening your Lagna Lord Sun/Ravi. There are many options to do that… you can adopt a simple and easy option – something you can/will do sincerely and regularly. Along with that, appeasing Saturn/Shani-dev is quint essential.

        Take care…

    • #137382 Reply

      To reduce the impact of Ketu on Mars please recite Hanuman Chalisa every day. At least 11 times in a day.

      I also see in your chart that you have strong chances of moving to a foreign country and settling there. A change of place always helps.

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