Travel Abroad opportunity

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    • #152117 Reply

      Hi ,

      Can you please update when I will get opportunity to travel abroad for work and settle there permanently
      Date of birth : 25/10//1976
      Time : 6:36pm
      Place : Mumbai

    • #152169 Reply
      JVS Rao

      Ms./Mr. Mags

      There are chances to go abroad. Your 3rd house (House of movement from your home town) cusp sublord is Saturn situated in 4th house, which signifies homeland or present residence. Moon is in the star of Saturn is also a minus point. Moon progresses so fast and Saturn pulls down to test your patience. This is a common phenomenon in your chart. Without delays and postponements you can not complete any task. There would strong hindrance so that you can not move out. Once you step out, you can reach your destination.

      12th cusp (going abroad) sublord Sun is in 6th house (success in undertakings) with Rahu and strongly signifying (9th  – long distance and 12th – foreign travel).

      9th cusp (long distance travel, communication from other party) sub lord Mercury is signifying 9th house and 8th house (detrimental to long distance) and strongly signifying Rahu in 6th house. As a result there would be delays in communications from other party also.

      You are lucky to have Ketu as 4th cusp sub lord and placed in 12th. So Saturn has to obey Ketu in 12th. As a result you can move on foreign travel in their respective periods.

      There are chances to move after 20-11-2024 or in certain periods in 2025  In any case the chance is missed in the period as I said above, there is a strong chance in Ketu bhukti which is from 6-9-2026 to 6-11-2027.

      Hence please try to have quick actions to mitigate the Saturn-Moon dosha.

      Good Luck

      JVS Rao


    • #152250 Reply

      Thanks JVS Rao for your analysis , please could you update when will I get permanently settled abroad (period//date) as per kundli

    • #152279 Reply
      JVS Rao

      Dear Mags

      There are chance to settle down permanently in the period after March 2026.

      JVS Rao

    • #152305 Reply

      Thanks Sir  for your insights

    • #152606 Reply

      I’m getting ready to go abroad. Will it be september or october this year?

      Date 02.10.1996.

      Time 8:40 am

      Place Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina

    • #152666 Reply
      JVS Rao

      Dear Ger

      I have considered your time of birth is inclusive of DST. As per this time, there are chances to go abroad by 22-10-2024.

      Good Luck

      JVS Rao


    • #152667 Reply

      Thanks for the answer. I also thought it would be mid October. A lot of things will happen around the birthday, including the eclipse. Thank you once again.

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