married life

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    • #75244 Reply

      the guy I am getting married as high mangal dosha.. the astrologers said its ok and no pooja/remedies are required .. I am getting married on feb24 2019 so I wanted to know how will my married life be.. we are getting 27/36 points in horoscope matching

      my date of birth.
      16th oct 1993
      time: 4.13am
      place: Mangalore

      guy details
      4th oct 1984
      time : 6.17am
      place: Mangalore

    • #75304 Reply

      7th house related with planets like moon and venus for boy
      7th Ketu and saturn.

      5th house is related with planets like Jupiter and ketu
      5th house is related to planeds like moon and venus.

      11th house is related to planets like moon and venus.
      11th house of related to planets like moon and saturn.

      7th house is also linked with planets like saturn and Jupiter
      7th house is also linked with planets like Jupiter and venus.

      Lagan star lords of both are friends moon and sun.
      Jupiter in on chart is also aspecting 9th house in another .
      Saturn is star lord of one chart whose 7th lord is Jupiter
      Saturn is 7th lord of one chart where Jupiter is star lord of 7th house cusp.
      Lagan lord sun is house of mercury inone chart and sun and mercury are in lagan in another chart.
      Inspite of mangal dosha in girls chart moon is have strength. Mars with moon and moon in mars star together makes mangalik dosha potent but presence of Jupiter , mercury and moon is dosha alleviating factor.
      In boys chart moon is own star.mars aspects 7th house but Jupiter nullifies the magal dosha effct.
      Married life will be good but on emotional front girl needs to be more adjusting.
      As Boys Jupiter is well placed. And girls saturn is own raasi can bring stability in marriage.
      Mangala dosha cannot be discounted of course .
      Boy has mars along with 7th lord guru that way he is mangal dosha.
      But considering other factors as stated above.
      There is possibility of balance in married life.
      As boys moon is own star so he is positive minded.

      there can be some mental adjustments needed for happy married life .

      God bless.


      [email protected]

    • #75309 Reply
      J V S RAO(K.P Astrologer)

      Dear Shara
      The married life would be happy with some minor things, as both of you will have same tendency. There are no evil effects in your chart.
      Wish you a happy married life.
      Good Luck
      JVS Rao

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