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    • #75524 Reply

      Hello everyone

      I am female born on 15th August 1988 @6.30 AM in Mumbai.

      I have rahu Ketu 1/7 axis in both lagna as well as navamsa chart. Also I have Saturn in 5th house and Rahu in 7th house. Additionally I have mars in 8th house. Many astrologers have said to me that it’s very bad placement of planets in the chart.
      How will be my married life?? Will it be a love marriage and will I be able to settle abroad?? According to my readings Saturn in the 5th house delays marriage whereas Rahu in the 7th gives marriage to the foreigner. Also my natal Sun is in the 12th house. I am going through Rahu mahadasha and Saturn mahadasha….both are placed in 7th and 5th house related to marriage.

      Can you please comment anything on this placement?


    • #75527 Reply
      Navneet Khanna

      Looking at your horoscope we see that your leo and 7th house Aquarius sign is there which is ruled by Saturn. Saturn is debilitated in the Navamsha chart (D9) chart. Saturn aspect on the 7th house is never good as it delays marriage and brings obstacles in marital life. Mars in the 8th house makes you strong mangalik. Rahu in the 7th house is not auspicious. Possibility of love marriage is much stringer in your horoscope. Relationship problems are there in your chart, therefore you need to be careful on the relationship front.


      Navneet Khanna

    • #75550 Reply
      JVS RAO(KP Astrologer)

      There are chances for marriage in 2018 only. You will marry a person already known to you who comes from a nearby place. He is not a foreigner. You have to marry in unavoidable circumstances.
      As Navneet jee pointed out you have to be very careful in relationship front as love marriage is indicated.

    • #75620 Reply

      Thanks Navneet sir and JVS Rao sir for your valuable time and providing insights into my chart.

      How is it possible that I would marry in 2018 only since only 1 month left and doesn’t seems to me so…..Further marriage will be in an unavoidable circumstances means?? Will it be against the will of the parents or my in laws??

      It would be great it you could once again provide your valuable insights on this two points mentioned above.


    • #75668 Reply

      Please wait and see for next month. Unavoidable circumstances to you only. You have to face tensions or disturbances.
      If the marriage has not taken place, I will go through the chart. Please give me feedback.
      The reason why I have written unavoidable is:
      Bhukti lord Saturn is in the star of Ketu in lagna conjoined with Mercury and Moon. Mercury is the lord of 3rd house (communication) and Moon(karaka for mind and thoughts) is the lord of 12th house (disappointment). Ketu representing Sun who is in 12th house. So I expect that any communication may give trouble to you.

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