No luck with relationships

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    • #75673 Reply

      It is very embarrassing but I have never been in any sort of romantic relationship, nothing even close. I am social and do go out to meet people, but nothing has ever come of it. Is there some sort of indication of no relationships/celibacy in my horoscope? I am still learning astrology so any insight would be greatly appreciated.

      DOB- January 26,1990
      Place- Washington, DC, USA
      Time: 00:47 am

      Thank you

    • #75682 Reply
      K.Umamaheswara rao

      According to Indian astrology,Your ascendant is Libra.
      Third house contains Mercury,Mars and Saturn.
      Fourth housse contains Sun,moon,venus and rahu.
      Ninth house contais Jupiter.
      Combination of Venus and Rahu ,is obstructing your
      There is some negativity in your horoscope about
      your relationships with any woman.
      Your have to do penance for one year to reduce evil
      of horoscope.
      You type in google–kumrao99 penance method remedy.
      You will get an article which gives methods of

      [email protected]

    • #75688 Reply

      Thank you. I am actually a female. Does this make a difference?

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