Higher studies

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    • #75763 Reply

      My daughter is studying graduation in microbiology. She will be completing in April 2020. She is interested in pursuing masters in either Europe or US. How does the chart support this ? How is the time period till the end of Venus dasa.?

      Iam worried about her marriage as she is having rahu dosham. Can you elaborate on this issue also.

      Date of birth is 25/7/1999 time is 6.40 morning

      Place is Chennai .


    • #75784 Reply
      Navneet Khanna

      As per her transit chart Rahu will to enter her 12th house of foreign and she is likely to go abroad. Therefore foreign education possibility is there in coming period. Her 7th house of marriage is weak as it has Rahu – Ketu dosham. 7th lord Saturn is debilitated. Matching of the horoscope should be done for marital happiness.


      Navneet Khanna

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