Eclipse in 12th house

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    • #77783 Reply

      Hello astrologers,

      My daughter’s dob is 27th September 2015 @ 8:43 AM in Mumbai.

      Could you please analyse the 12th house planets conjunction.

      Sun is very closely conjunct to Rahu. According to many articles Sun and 9th house & it’s Lord represents father.

      So Sun and 9th Lord mercury is in 12th house of losses closely eclipsed by Rahu.
      (Father’s dob is 2nd September 1986 @ 5:55 PM in Mumbai.)
      Does all this mean early loss of father?? Is there any remedy for the same??

      Please help!!

      Thanks for your time!

    • #77786 Reply
      K.Umamaheswara rao

      The placement surely indicates dosha or negativity in the
      horoscope.It does not mean that father’s death is indicated.
      Sun in 12 th house ,shows some spiritual inclination.
      It also indicates some ill health to father or to the native.

      You have to do penance for 1 year.
      You type in google –kumrao99 penance method.
      You will get many posts and read them..
      A planet is big bundle of energy rotating around sun. Earth is also one such planet rotating around sun. While rotating, these planets produce different vibrations in 12 different signs of zodiac. Sages found with higher knowledge, that the planets give different results to individuals borne at different times in a day or month. They also found that the every individual is also mini energy field like every planet. The energy field of an individual can be increased by doing tapas (penance) for a few years, observing sex and food disciplines.

      An idol in a temple gets strength only when a saint gives his power to it through a yantra,through tantra sastra. Every person will have accumulated sins and virtues,from his forefathers and fore-mothers. Genes show the diseases in his body. Horoscope shows the accumulated sins of the person. Penance includes sex discipline and diet discipline. Penance removes the sins or negativity in your genes, inherited from your forefathers and fore-mothers. In ancient India, kings and intelligent people were doing penance or austerities for one or two years,to reduce the negativity of planets in the horoscope and increase the efficiency of planets which are placed well. Easy remedies like wearing a precious stone ,visiting holy places or doing rituals or homams will not have effect on the horoscope. You can reach your targets and achieve ambitions by doing penance.
      Saint practices(sadhanas) method or horoscope cleaning method from India.
      Horoscope cleaning method. You should immediately avoid

      1. all types of milk products
      2.all types of sweets made of sugar,jaggery,honey,
      3.all sweet fruits,
      5.all types of protein powders,dry fruits,cashewnuts,almonds,pistha,walnuts
      cold drinks, soyamilk, coconuts,
      6.all medicines.

      You can eat rice and wheat and jowar items.You can eat oranges, seeded grapes,green apples,yellow apples..
      You have to drink juice of 30 coriander leaves,20 mint leaves,7 spinach leaves,3 betel leaves, 10 gms of ginger and 15 gm of bittergourd

      [email protected]

    • #77788 Reply

      Without fully studying Astrology in detail, if you come to irrelevant conclusions as above, you will only have time to worry about yourself. Read my blog which will give you some meaningful insight into astrology.

      You need not help we astrologers much in analysing a horoscope by adding your own confusing comments. Your daughter’s horoscope in no way will bring an early death to her father.

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