- This topic has 13 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 1 year, 6 months ago by
GuestCan anyone let me know the remedies for black energy.. Nazar lagna.
Few people said.. Tujhpe nazar lagi h
Tig kya karna chahiye mujhe
GuestPls help
Please let me/us know if whoever is telling you about being affected by evil-eye and other such are qualified opinions. If yes, kindly share details. In any case, it would perhaps make sense to post your birth-details to check and validate if you susceptible to evil-eye and are really affected.
Take care…
Guest21 may 1988
New delhi
Udaya Lagna in your birth-chart is placed in Leo/Simha Rashi and caught in the Ketu-Rahu axis, Incidentally, Badha-Karaka Mars/Kuja is loosely conjunct Rahu in the 7th house of Kalathra-Sthana or house of Spousal Relationship. They are aspected by Saturn/Shani-dev, the Roga-Karaka for the birth-Chart.
In summary, it looks like you are indeed susceptible or prone to be affected by Evil-Eye or Drishti Badha. Incidentally, Rahu is posited in the Lunar Constellation of Purva–Bhadrapada Nakshatra, ruled by Sathvik Jupiter/Guru-dev mitigating the effects to some extent.
Take care…
GuestPl advise for career and wealth.
And remedies for further betterment
GuestGive me career and wealth prediction also. As many people said.. It’s gud in your kundali but i dont feel the same.. That’s why asking about nazar.
GuestPl help
You are currently in the midst of Ashtama-Shani or Saturn/Shani-dev’s transit across natal placement of Moon/Chandra. This is perhaps giving you some unwanted stress/tension… and perhaps impacting a decent time period of Venus/Shukra Maha-Dasha and Antara of Lagna Lord Sun/Ravi. Subsequent time-period might not be very beneficial either.
Given the situation, it might not be a bad idea to consider offering special prayers regularly to Goddess Dhana-Lakshmi, with unwavering faith, bhakti/devotion and a strong Sankalpa.
Take care…
How is my overall dhan yoga in kundali.
What shud I do to prevent from evil eye
You have limited Dhana Yogas in your birth-chart.
Given India is a spread out country with diverse culture, there are a multitude remedies performed. As a generic option, regular chanting of Mritunjaya Japa and/or performing Ganapati or Tila Homa/Havan (fire ritual) can be considered. They are supposed to give relief from Evil-Eye or Drishti Badha.
Take care…
ModeratorFrom 2nd Oct 2023, you will have a better time for about an year. Moon antardasa following will give you lot of mental problems. Mars antardasa following will also be good. For further details, you can come through Paid consultation.
Guest<p style=”text-align: left;”>Pl help</p>