Career help

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    • #115611 Reply

      My dob details:

      Dob. 6 July 1991

      05 14 am

      Place Hyderabad.

      Pls chk my horoscope and tell how my professional life will be.
      <p style=”text-align: left;”>Pls throw some light on Career opportunities, as of now I’m working for a govt company. But not a job equal to my education.</p>

    • #115615 Reply
      Navneet Khanna

      Jupiter rules the 10th house of career and profession and Jupiter is exalted in the second house of finance. This is very auspicious and good and it does give you long term career gains. Sun – Saturn period is going on adding pressure and you will not be satisfied. keep doing your work and be focused for gains.


      Navneet Khanna



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