career & marriage

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    • #21462 Reply


      Name: Sid
      Date of birth: 16/10/1988
      Time of birth: 2.29a.m.
      Place of birth: Johor Baharu (Malaysia)
      Latitude” 1.28N
      Longitude: 103.45E

      – I have been jobless for 2 years plus, I wish to be a musician in foreign country but suffering great financial problem, will i become a celebrity musician or any big chance starting saturn transit in sagitarius next year jan since its my first saturn return?

      -My 7th house is hemmed between saturn and rahu but is aspected by jupiter, I have a chain of love break ups, at which will I get married?

    • #21470 Reply

      Yes you will excel in entertaining people and you will get what you desire by about end 2018. You will also get married to a rich girl may be before then.

      • #21490 Reply

        Thanks alot sir, I really appreciate your reply and predictions.

        Sir can I just know, if most probably my future wife will be a doctor or someone in some entertainment industry?

    • #21496 Reply

      Even if she is a doctor she could entertain you well. Astrology cannot predict such intricate details of your spouse and if we could do it, we would only be happy to give you her photograph, name, address and mobile number.

    • #21810 Reply

      Hi sir,

      I tried learning about upapada. Where i see my UL falls on third house of my chart where sun n mercury is in virgo sign. So could you help me clarify with these sir, sun represent a spouse from a higher status from my understanding and does mercury represent a spouse who will be younger than me?

      Does 3rd house represent cousin from paternal side too sir?

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