Career Suggestion as per horoscope

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    • #118263 Reply

      Name: Abhishek Gupta, DOB: 10:34AM, Delhi. I’m not able to decide what fields should I need to choose. Currently, I’m doing real estate business. I consult few astrologers and some of them says Real Estate is good for you, go with Saturn related business, some says go in technology. Can you please suggest me what is the best for me.

    • #118265 Reply

      You should give your date of birth without which we can do nothing to evaluate your horoscope.

    • #118266 Reply

      Name: Abhishek

      DOB: 19th March 1990

      Time: 10:34AM

      Place: Delhi, India.

    • #118267 Reply

      Though you may make profits in business, there is high potential of wasteful expenditure and Losses etc. which will offset the profits you make in business. My suggestion is you try to get a job preferably with govt. doing man management. Your Sun is very powerful and this will help you in your job. You have a Pravarjya Yoga details of which you can find on the internet.

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