Looking at your horoscope we see that you are in the mahadasha of Rahu and the antardasha of Saturn. You are also entered the period of Sade satti. Saturn is the Yogakarka planet as per your horoscope, as your lagan is Taurus. Saturn rules the 9th house and the 10th house, which is the bhagyastan and the karmastan respectively. Therefore Saturn has a enormous role in your life when we talk about financial security in life. Saturn does not give immediate results and results will be slow only , but the good things about Saturn is that is can delay but never deny. Therefore you should make a goal and keep working toward it. Coming to your other issue of Govt. Job, the chances are not very strong. Actually you may do your own work only as per your horoscope, but maybe this is not the best moment. Therefore taking a job and working would be the best alternative.
Click to Read aboutShani Sade satti
Navneet Khanna