Your Planetary dispositions are as follows :
Planet Residential Strength Good % Bad% Nature
Sun 29.97 30.72 59.39 Malefic
Moon 7.69 80.20 8.91 Benefic
Mars 20.33 45.57 20.66 Benefic
Mercury 54.59 60.18 28.49 Benefic
Jupiter 22.21 31.42 60.94 Malefic
Venus 99.09 39.53 38.67 Benefic
Saturn 31.08 71.20 12.00 Benefic
Rahu 32.30 60.18 28.49 Benefic
Kethu 32.30 31.42 60.94 Malefic
Net 36.62
Looks like Jupiter is weaker than Rahu and is also a malefic.
Your career house is 48.31% potent now tending to 42.77% due to transitory influences. Gains from career has a potency of 59.82% -> 52.97%.
Full detail can be seen in the Scientific Evaluation of Horoscope including transitory influences. The problem in your charts is the residential strength of planets in aggregate are weak with only 36.62% and therefore the planets are not much in favour except for Venus.