help in intercaste marriage

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  • Author
    • #7965 Reply
      nikhil vats

      My details
      Dob: 16 Feb 1989
      Time 9:40am
      Place ghaziabad
      Her details
      Dob: 31 Oct 1990
      Time 9:25
      Place Delhi
      What are the chances of getting married
      How hard it will be to convince her parents
      Suitable time to disclose this matter infront of her parents
      How’s her married life
      I am selected for government job when I ll get posted

      Please do reply as soon as possible
      Thanx in advance
      Nikhil vats

    • #7975 Reply
      Navneet Khanna

      The Ashtkoot Guna milan is good with 25.5 guna matching. However the girl is partial manglik while you are not mangalik. Mangal dosha is checked from the natal as well as the Moon chart.

      In the birth chart of the boy Mars is placed in the second house from the lagna while in the Moon chart Mars is placed in eleventh house from the Moon. Hence boy is not Mangalik from the Birth Chart and also from the Moon Chart. In the birth chart of girl Mars is placed in the seventh house from the lagna while in the Moon chart Mars is placed in third house from the Moon. Hence the girl is Mangalik from the Birth Chart but not from the Moon Chart.The girl has partial mangal dosha. However as the Guna milan is good, and Mars is also the lagnesh in the Girls horoscope, Mangal dosha can be ignored. Marriage can certainly be considered.

      Click to Read about Kundali Milan


      Navneet Khanna

    • #7990 Reply

      i am really sorry but with due respect i didnot asked anything about mangal dosh i do know that earlier what i want to know is this marriage is possible or not from her parents side
      hope now my question is clear
      thank you
      nikhil vats

    • #7992 Reply
      Navneet Khanna

      Possibility of Marriage is very much there. However as Jupiter and Mercury are retrograde these days. An opportune time should be seen for taking things further.


      Navneet Khanna

    • #8001 Reply
      nikhil vats

      Sorry sir could you tell me till then we have this favorable time , I mean from duly to November or like April to July something like that and how’s her marriage life
      Thanks in advance
      Nikhil vats

    • #8002 Reply
      nikhil vats

      I m having fast on Saturday and Monday
      And chanting maha mirtyunjay mantra daily will this help me in making things easier
      And any other upay that would help in my case
      Plz do reply, thank you sir

    • #8006 Reply
      Navneet Khanna

      As Jupiter is retrograde till 08 April 2015 , you can initiate talks after this date.


      Navneet Khanna

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