How is wealth in my horoscope? Will I be rich in my life? Will I have a lot

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    • #144331 Reply

      How is wealth in my horoscope? Will I be rich in my life? Will I have a lot of wealth and money? Will I have a luxurious life? DOB SEPTEMBER 18TH 1995 TOB 1:10 AM PLACE OF BIRTH KANPUR UTTAR PRADESH INDIA GENDER MALE

    • #144382 Reply
      Kanwar Aditya

      Are you obsessed using internet and wasting time on it and listening to songs emotional ones especially while travelling also you have list of food recipes stored and you love to talk about them, never listen to your mother on the matters related to food especially not eating outside trying different varities and eating non veg. Since you have habit of eating food not so good for health addiction of smoking which you hide from everyone. Also you are too much emotionally attached with one your female cousin within your father side of family. You habit of habit of talking too much and revealing not only yours but others secret things too everyone and later regret it as get emotionaly betrayed by them. And whenever you talk emotionly you close your eyes, and you easily able to cry and become connected with everyone emotionally also there is one friend of your about whom you hide from everyone and she is a female and you talk a lot to her and tell everything about your family while talking though you lie(boost). Also before starting your day you have kind of ritual related to consuming something and saying something to your mother and father, which your have doing since long and you follow it like religion and hide it from everyone. And you also do this while going to work, and your mother never listen to you on money matters and accept her mistakes on food related matters. Though she is also very talented like you in cooking especially different styles of dishes.
      And you never talk about things directly go round and round first trying to look for emotional connect and there was this once a incident when you went to travel somewhere with your family religious site, a short trip around and you must have cried for no reason there around 25 age.

      Pls reply if even some of them are true I will reply

      • #144630 Reply

        In astrology, the analysis of wealth and financial prosperity typically involves examining several factors in a person’s birth chart. These factors can include the positions of planets like Jupiter (associated with wealth and abundance), the second house (related to finances and possessions), and aspects to these areas from other planets. Here’s a general overview of how wealth might be seen in your horoscope:

        Jupiter’s Influence: Jupiter is often considered the planet of wealth and abundance. Its placement in your birth chart, along with any positive aspects (such as trines or sextiles) from other planets, can indicate potential for financial success and prosperity.
        Second House: The second house in your birth chart is directly related to finances, income, and material possessions. A strong and well-aspected second house, along with its ruler, can suggest good financial opportunities and the ability to accumulate wealth.
        Wealth Yogas: In Vedic astrology, certain planetary combinations and placements form “wealth yogas” that indicate potential for wealth and prosperity. These yogas can involve Jupiter, Venus (related to luxury and wealth), and sometimes Mercury (associated with business and financial acumen).
        Dasha Periods: The timing of wealth accumulation and financial success can also be seen through dasha periods (planetary cycles) in your life. Favorable dasha periods of planets related to wealth can bring opportunities for financial growth.

    • #144404 Reply

      you Jupiter Mahadasha from 2008 till now has been extremely painful and depressing for me. I feel suicidal and helpless. I am hopeless and purposeless. My life seems meaningless. I have no self-confidence. I am unemployed. My family life is quite average and at times bad and irritating. I am quite depressed and lack self-confidence. I have been average in studies. I don’t like anything in my life. I like to live alone but lack self-confidence to be able to live alone and also I don’t have a job. I have never been employed. Sir, when will my life get better? I thought that Saturn Mahadasha starting in 2024 will bring prosperity and happiness in my life but so far Saturn Mahadasha has also been disappointing.

    • #144405 Reply

      Sir Jupiter Mahadasha from 2008 till now has been extremely painful and depressing for me. I feel suicidal and helpless. I am hopeless and purposeless. My life seems meaningless. I have no self-confidence. I am unemployed. My family life is quite average and at times bad and irritating. I am quite depressed and lack self-confidence. I have been average in studies. I don’t like anything in my life. I like to live alone but lack self-confidence to be able to live alone and also I don’t have a job. I have never been employed. Sir, when will my life get better? I thought that Saturn Mahadasha starting in 2024 will bring prosperity and happiness in my life but so far Saturn Mahadasha has also been disappointing.

    • #144410 Reply


      As per birth-details shared by you, Juptier/Guru-dev is a benefic for you. Him being placed in a Dusthana would have diluted matters. But hard to buy your experience. So, suggest you to kindly double check your birth-details – specially the birth-time (including AM/PM, which would make a significant difference).

      Take care…

    • #144413 Reply


      Given birth-details does indicate you were born in the midst of Rahu Maha-Dasha and went through Jupiter/Guru-dev’s Maha-Dasha from 2008 until 2024… and since started that of Saturn/Shani-dev’s Maha-Dasha. But then, whatever you’ve shared does not make much sense. Hence the need to recheck and revalidate your birth-time.

      Take care…

    • #144456 Reply

      Sir How will Saturn Mahadasha be for me so far it has been disappointing?

    • #144460 Reply


      As called out earlier, it would help if you were to double check and confirm the birth-details – more specifically the birth-time (assuming birth-day/date is right).

      Take care…

    • #144463 Reply

      Sir I double checked and have confirmed my Birth Details specifically my Birth Time and also including the rest of the details like Birhh Date,Birth Month and Birth Year with my family and they have assured that all of my concerned Birth Details are indeed correct.

    • #144467 Reply

      DOB :- 9th August 2001

      Birth time :- 9:40 AM


      Is a love relationship or marriage seen in the chart or will I go unmarried and celebate whole life?

    • #144468 Reply


      In your note, you’ve confirmed the birth-details to be accurate. So, you were born at 1:10 AM (that is past mid-night hours, Sunday morning hours), on 18th September 1995 at Kanpur. If true, then the real culprits are Mars/Kuja and Rahu (who are in Sukshma Parivarthana, by being posited in the Lunar Constellation or Nakshatras owned and activated by each other).

      They were activated during Jupiter/Guru-dev’s Maha-Dasha and continue to be activated in the current Maha-Dasha of Saturn/Shani-dev as well. So, kindly consider propitiating them.

      Take care…

    • #144469 Reply

      Thank you Kind Sir for the insight could you please tell me according to my horoscope as to when will the good period of my life start? Thanks in Advance.

    • #144572 Reply


      As called out earlier, I think you’ll need to pacify and seek grace by propitiating Mars/Kuja and Rahu, to unlock your fortune.

      Take care…

    • #144610 Reply

      Sir How is wealth in my horoscope? Will I be rich in my life? Will I have a lot of wealth and money? Will I have a luxurious life?

    • #144613 Reply


      Just so you are aware, Saturn/Shani-dev co-lords the 9th house of Dharma. He Vakra or Retrograde and strongly placed in the 9th house. Jupiter/Guru-dev is the 10th lord of Karma-Sthana… although ill-placed in a Dusthana, he is participating in a Sukshma Parivarthana Yoga at Nakshatra level with Saturn/Shani-dev, forming a decent Dhana Yoga. But then, their depositors are Mars/Kuja and Rahu… who seems to be negating the Yoga. Hence, the suggestion earlier….

      If you are able to appease Mars/Kuja and Rahu, I’m inclined to think things will change for better. On the sidelines, it looks like you are wasting your intelligence and focused on fueling your fantasies (Lagna Lord Mercury/Budha is powerfully placed in his Swasthana and Moola-Trikona. It looks like his energy is being spent on address Venus/Shukra the lord of luxuries, placed in his Neecha-Sthana or sign of debilitation.) – instead of putting God given intelligence to good use.

      Take care…

    • #144620 Reply

      Sir when will money flow start for me in terms of month and year?

      • #144623 Reply
        Well wisher

        From my analysis last part of 2025 will improve your finance

        • #144624 Reply
          Well wisher

          Try to target clerical job in defense

    • #144652 Reply

      Sir Which will be better for me Job or Business?

      • #144677 Reply
        Well wisher

        I recommend job if finance improves then switch to business, it will take multiple tries at least 5 to get stability in your life

    • #144687 Reply


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