Job & foreign settlement

  • This topic has 8 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by JVS Rao (KP Astrologer).
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  • Author
    • #88969 Reply
      Snehal h

      Dob of my husband is 21 Nov 1981, place of birth is kolhapur , time is 07:40am. He is looking for job right now. When will he get job? Is foreign settlement possible?

    • #88980 Reply

      He is likely to get a good job by about the end of this year. He will be doing lot of long distance travels in the course of his job. His horoscope is good for doing own business too.

      • #88994 Reply
        Snehal h

        What about foreign settlement? Will he get job in USA itself or we need to go back India?

    • #88998 Reply

      There is no word like “Foreign” in astrology. Countries are man made for administrative convenience. What can happen in life is long distance travels in the course of your job.
      I have evaluated his horoscope based on Kolhapur. If he is now resident in USA, we have to check the transitory influences there. We are like a cow tied to a tree in the birth place with a long rope. The Grazing territory could be anywhere and sometimes you will get good grazing opportunities and sometimes it could be a desert. Checking that is done by transitory influences. You will have to read my blog Navagraha Astrology Online about Transitory Influences of planets.

    • #89005 Reply
      JVS RAO (KP Astrologer)

      Your husband will get a communication regarding job after Sep 28th and will join in October ending or November 2019.
      I hope you will not come to India.

      • #89043 Reply
        Snehal h

        Thank u for your time & predictions.

    • #90815 Reply
      Snehal h

      My husband got the job which will start in October, which is in another state (Houston, Texas). After 10 years staying in NY don’t want to move too much as kids growing. Is it the last move or still we need to keep on moving?

    • #91211 Reply
      Snehal h

      Please reply

    • #91234 Reply
      JVS Rao (KP Astrologer)

      In the earlier mail I have already expressed my idea. You may not move upto 2026. In Ketu bhukti 04-06-2026 to 11-05-2027 you may move from the present place. I hope you will be outside India upto 2035. Whenever the sub period comes you will come and go.

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