Ketu either in 9th or in lagna in all the horoscope divisional charts.

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    • #75606 Reply

      Hello astrologers.

      I am male born on 2nd Sep 1986@ 17:55 PM in Mumbai.

      In my all the divisional charts….lagna, navamsa and rest….Ketu is either in the 9th house or in the lagna. Is it a good or bad??

      I am suffering from chronic disease and allergies since 2000 and had been always weak. It’s because of this placement??

      Further can anyone pls analyse my D4 chart?? I have mars Ketu conjunction in 9th house…is that good or bad??

      Also is there any remedy for the same??


    • #75664 Reply
      K.Umamaheswara rao

      lagna and ninth houses are auspicious houses.
      Kethu there indicates evil or Bad karma from previous lives.
      What are your health problems?
      You have to do penance for one year.
      Read the articles in the following link.

      [email protected]

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