Love relationships

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    • #116848 Reply

      Hallo. I have a serious crisis in my personal life. For lot of years i am in love with the married men and can’t find nobody for me because I don’t feel attraction to them. Those who attracted to me, not interesting for me or either even married. Will I ever meet mutual love and pure decent relations? I have also high expectations from people including financial stability, principles, decency, honesty  etc.


      Damira Arifullina

      19 October 1986


      Born in Kazan, Russia

      Now living in Riyadh, KSA

    • #116850 Reply
      Navneet Khanna


      Vedic Birth Chart – Damira

      Vedic birth chart

      Hello Damira ,

      Thanks for getting in touch. Please note that the chart above is a Vedic chart and we see that you are Gemini lagna and 7th lord is ruled by Jupiter, which is retrograde along with Venus.  Both retrograde Jupiter and Venus are not good and do not bring desired results.  Jupiter is in your 9th house of luck and destiny, which means that you will have a strong relationship, but as Jupiter and Venus are retrograde things fizzle out at the latter stage. There is lot of energy in your 5th house as you see, there is debilitated Sun, Venus and Mercury which will help you connect with right people. Keep your expectations low and after 29th November 2021, you should connect with new people.


      Navneet Khanna

      Vedic Astrologer


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