Marriage direction

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    • #148119 Reply


      I have been separated from my husband since last year April and I really dont what this marriage to break after so many good years. It seems my time is bad for now and I had to suffer the love loss, can you please guide if the time will get better, here are the birth details
      Female: 16th march 1981 , 4.45 pm , nagpur,maharashtra
      Male: 1st September 1981 , 4.30 am , rajkot,gujarat

    • #148191 Reply


      Beyond whatever I’ve shared previously in the other thread (check this link ), please be informed that you are in the midst of Ashtama-Shani or Saturn/Shani-dev’s transit across natal placement of Moon/Chandra. This transit invariably contributes to arguments/fights and rifts in spousal relationship. To make matters worse, Rahu-Ketu transit is not helping your cause. So, the current time-period is not good.

      As for your husband, he seems to be in the midst Jupiter/Guru-dev’s Maha-Dasha and Antara of Venus/Shukra… a Raja Yoga period. So, I’m inclined to think transit Ketu has contributed to the said separation. And, both of you are susceptible to evil eyes…with some envious and not so well meaning people around you.

      All said and done, it would make sense for you to elaborate and us to understand the situation better, for further astrological evaluation. Kindly consider providing some background of the problem, a little bit about each of you, your family, time when trouble started etc.

      Take care…

    • #148190 Reply


      Beyond whatever I’ve shared previously in the other thread (check this link ), please be informed that you are in the midst of Ashtama-Shani or Saturn/Shani-dev’s transit across natal placement of Moon/Chandra. This transit invariably contributes to arguments/fights and rifts in spousal relationship. To make matters worse, Rahu-Ketu transit is not helping your cause. So, the current time-period is not good.

      As for your husband, he seems to be in the midst Jupiter/Guru-dev’s Maha-Dasha and Antara of Venus/Shukra… a Raja Yoga period. So, I’m inclined to think transit Ketu has contributed to the said separation. And, both of you seem to be susceptible for evil eyes…

      All said and done, it would make sense for you to elaborate and us to understand the situation better, for further astrological evaluation. Kindly consider providing some background of the problem, a little bit about each of you, your family, time when trouble started etc.

      Take care…

    • #148256 Reply

      Hi Buddy,

      Just to give an idea about past events. We had one of the best marriages with everything going on perfect. We are blessed with 2 super good kids, but his mind started suddenly changing 360 degree from 2019 kind off. And it increased a lot during covid period, he started communicating very less  and it affected me a lot and you are right about evil eyes. Lots of our family friend husband’s were jealous of our marriage since my husband will do everything for me without asking and other husband’s found it annoying.

      My question is will it get better after November 2024, I am trying my best to convince him to delay the divorce and all but his mind kinds feels like taken over by something.

    • #148271 Reply


      As called out previously, your husband is in the midst of Jupiter/Guru-dev’s Maha-Dasha since 2014. Jupiter/Guru-dev is neither happy nor comfortable, being placed in the 3rd house of Courage and Proactive Initiatives… forming a conglomeration with Saturn/Shani-dev, Venus/Shukra and Moon/Chandra who are posited in the Lunar Constellation of Hasta Nakshatra, ruled by Moon/Chandra. Their depositor Mercury/Budha is powerfully placed alongside in his Swasthana and Moola-Triknoa… activating all of them.

      Further, he went through Antara of Ketu during 2021-22. So, it is quite normal for individuals to have reduced levels of communication and/or feel a bit detached from worldly ways, during such periods. But the question is how did that affect you and how did you react to the situation. Did you say or do anything to aggravate the situation? If yes, you should know how to solve the issue.

      In any case, I’m inclined to think the current situation will last a little longer (Ashtama-Sahi other other time periods)…and I’m hoping things will not completely fall apart – I’m pinning my hopes on your husband’s Maha-Dasha lord Jupiter/Guru-dev not to breaking the relationship and you doing remedies to address afflictions in your birth-chart.

      Take care…

      • #148304 Reply

        <p style=”text-align: center;”>Thanks buddy. You are exactly right about his behaviors. I also behaved accordingly and we both involved our friends to give us directions and they actually ended up spoiling it even further. I was co.pletly in depression since I was in complete denial, how does a loving husband turn so negative, I couldn’t take it. Then I pulled myself out of ot but it was too late. I am doing remedies to calm my grahas so hopefully situation will not get worst than this.</p>

        • #148314 Reply


          I could easily spend half an hour or half a day in preaching folk… on how some individuals bottle-up their feelings and the outpouring is literally an volcanic explosion, whenever things go beyond a certain threshold (varies for each person). Counselling by inexperienced and untrained folk often hurts the situation…all probably part of one’s Karma. But realization and taking timely corrective action is important.

          And, lastly I can understand and relate to your (both you and your husband’s) situation. Both of you need help and guidance from well-meaning/knowledgeable/experienced folk. If not delicately handled, things could drag-on and go wrong.

          Take care…

    • #148278 Reply


      I’ve been in a relationship from 02.04.2019.  We’ve spent 4+ good years together. But now our career goals are clashing and it seems impossible for us to again cross paths in future to stay together. So we may part ways. Can you please guide me if he will be my future husband or I’ll break up with him and marry someone else?

      Our details:

      Female: DOB- 23.08.2000, Time: 06:31 am, Place- Asansol, West Bengal, India.

      Male: DOB- 29.09.2000, Time: 06:04 am, Place- Muzaffarpur, Bihar, India.

    • #148279 Reply

      Sorry for my mistake. The date when our relationship started is 02.04.2020

    • #148301 Reply

      Thanks buddy. You are exactly right about his behaviors. I also behaved accordingly and we both involved our friends to give us directions and they actually ended up spoiling it even further. I was co.pletly in depression since I was in complete denial, how does a loving husband turn so negative, I couldn’t take it. Then I pulled myself out of ot but it was too late. I am doing remedies to calm my graham so hopefully situation will not get worst than this.

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