Tagged: which career is best for me
- This topic has 77 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 8 years, 4 months ago by
GuestSir I’m really unable to decide which specialisation to take…either HR/Marketing or Finance?
I actually feel I’m going through a bad phase as whatever decision I take in the long run turns out to be wrong..So I request you to guide me what side should I go to…my decision won’t be completely on the basis of astrology but yes, I hope it shall show me a path!! -
GuestHello Mr Navneet can you please reply to my question which I had asked you yesterday if someone does not want to wear a stone can we put the gemstone in an envelope with there photograph in the envelope will that help at all, I am also doing a Mala everyday om Budhah Namah is it ok to do that.
GuestHello Mr Navneet can you please reply to my question, thank you
GuestHello Mr Navneet you had advised me previously that I should wear red Coral, can you please confirm that it is ok for me to wear red coral, I have been wearing it for more than 6 months now
Navneet Khanna
KeymasterDear Aradhana, you can choose between MBA finance and MBA HR. MBA Marketing is not recommended as Sun is debilitated in your natal chart.
Navneet Khanna
Astrologer -
Navneet Khanna
KeymasterDear K, please provide your question in a new Post along with your Horoscope details. Im sorry without birth details I cannot prepare your horoscope.
Navneet Khanna
Astrologer -
GuestThank you sir.
Are you sure about finance? Can you pls explain me (planetary position) which supports finance?
I like finance too. -
Navneet Khanna
KeymasterIn your D10 chart which is the Dashamsha chart Venus is the lord of 11th house of gains and exalted. Mercury rules the 10th house in Natal chart and D10 chart.
Navneet Khanna
Astrologer -
GuestSo sir how does it shows finance??
Pls explain a little more…. -
GuestSo sir how does it shows finance?it should be hr then as mercury rules communication?
Pls explain a little more…. -
GuestHello Mr Navneet I had asked you a question if I could continue wearing red coral, can you please reply to me
Navneet Khanna
KeymasterMercury rules lot of things besides communication. Mercury is one planet which is almost connected with each job or profession, because anything you do you certainly need communication in it. Mercury rules IT, engineering, Media, accountancy etc. It rules E-commerce. It rules banking – now banking is account and finance only. Communication is a big part of every job. In your D10 chart your 11th house is ruled by Venus , Venus is anything related to money. The strength of both Mercury and Venus in your D10 charts indicate success in MBA – Finance.
Navneet Khanna
Astrologer -
GuestThank you for explaining sir. 🙂
So its like jupiter rules finance, right?
And by that if we see In my birth chart jupiter is in 12th house but vargottam.
So sir is it Ok as per astrology if I finalise Finance as my specialisation?
I want to prosper in this field , really want to do well in this! So my chart shows that, right? -
Navneet Khanna
KeymasterJupiter does not rule money, it is primarily Venus. Money is a materialistic with it we fulfill our materialistic desires. IN your D10 chart we see that 11th house which is the house of fulfillment of desires, it is the house of gains and gains from the house of profession is ruled by Venus. Venus is exalted and aspects the 10th house. Therefore Yes you can finalize on MBA finance. Im sure you will do remarkably well in this career.
Navneet Khanna
Astrologer -
GuestThank you so much sir. 🙂
I wish your words come true!!! -
GuestHello Mr Navneet my d.o.b is 25/02/72 time of birth is 3.00pm, place of birth is London, you had advised me that I should wear red coral can I still continue to wear red coral, if you could please let me know
GuestHello Mr Navneet can you please reply to my question I would very much appreciate,thank you
Navneet Khanna
KeymasterDear K, Please note that your lagan is Cancer and Mars is the Yogakarka planet for you. Mars is the lord of the 10th house and 5th house which are the houses for career and also planning. I have asked you to wear Red Coral to improve your career. However if you feel that after wearing Red Corel it has increased your temper then you should remove it. If you feel that after wearing it makes you more agitated and aggressive then you should remove Red Coral and wear Pearl instead as it is your lagan stone. If you feel that there is no influence of this kind then you can continue wearing Red Coral and wear Pearl as well.
Navneet Khanna
Astrologer -
Navneet Khanna
KeymasterJust focus on your studies and do not let others things divert your mind. You have a good horoscope and a good career ahead. I know eventually you will do remarkably well in life and career.
Navneet Khanna
Astrologer -
GuestThank you for your reply Mr Navneet
GuestVery true sir others things are trying to divert my mind. I’m trying my best to survive in mumbai. Life and ppl are very different here. As per your advice I’m reading hanuman chalisa daily. I Hope better days are coming with Saturn Transit!!!
Also giving Roti to Dog whenever possible. Can you tell me the day(s) of the week when I should specifically give Roti to dog? -
Navneet Khanna
KeymasterIt can be on a Wednesday or a Saturday.
Navneet Khanna
Astrologer -
GuestHello Mr Navneet you mentioned last week that My Wife may be a scorpio ascendant and not Sagittarius can you please explain why you think she is a scorpio ascendant and not Sagittarius, thank you
GuestHello Mr Navneet can you please reply to my question, thank you
GuestSir finance sahi hai na? I’m getting scared a bit..as sirf finance degree won’t help me..I’m going for some other high level courses with my MBA degree.
Will I be able to do them too? -
GuestSir finance sahi hai na? I’m getting scared as sirf finance degree won’t help me..I’m going for some other high level courses in finance with my MBA degree. One of the course which I’m looking forward to is a tougher version of CA which I’m planning to join very soon.
The reason behind this confusion is as that I’m aware, not going through the good phase. Rahu is transiting 12th house, house of loss and Rahu mercury dasha itself is not good so I need to be very careful.Thus I’m looking forward to your guidance. Will I be able to complete this course with my MBA?Like we discussed about distractions , my roommate is also planning for the same and she is a way too competitive! When I told her I’ve finalised my specialisation her reactions were shocking.
Can she can turn out to be someone who can hamper my mind peace in the coming period? -
Guestpls reply…
Navneet Khanna
KeymasterHey Listen don’t get too confused, the more you talk and discuss the more you get confused. You want to do MBA finance – just go after it. Don’t just change your plans every single day. I dont blame you entirely Mercury has been retrograde as therefore making you confused.
Navneet Khanna
Astrologer -
GuestOk sir..I have finalised MBA finance.
Can my roommate turn out to be someone who can hamper my mind peace in the coming period? I’m asking this as Saturn will be in 4th house transit and being
6th lord of secret enemies I’m little worried from 4th house but saturn will look at 6th house of enemy so enemy so is it a benefit or loss? Please explain -
Navneet Khanna
KeymasterSaturn is a malefic planet as per your horoscope and will aspect your lagan from the 4th house, increasing your mental tension due to others. People who are jealous of your progress and love to give wrong advice. It is better you keep calm and just focus on your goals to achieve your objectives.
Navneet Khanna
Astrologer -
GuestOk sir… What good will this Saturn transit offer, will it ? And higher MBA programs which I’m planning to do, will I be able to clear it?
GuestOk sir… What good will this Saturn transit offer, will it as already my 4th house has malefic planet but yeah benific aspect of Jupiter?
And also pls tell about tge higher MBA programs which I’m planning to do, will I be able to clear it? Is it the right time to join that course? -
GuestSir ?
Navneet Khanna
KeymasterAs Saturn is a Malefic planet in your horoscope, it does not bring you any good results. Therefore it is important that you remove its maleficence by doing it remedies. Regarding the other question I dont understand what you mean by higher MBA program. You mean MBA – Finance which we have discussed till now. Yes as MBA – Finance suits you you should be able to complete it. Just dont worry, you seem to worry too much. Not good for your mental and health.
Navneet Khanna
Astrologer -
GuestHello Mr Navneet can you please reply to my question I sent you yesterday
GuestSir since I’m in a tier 2 college just MBA finance is not sufficient. I need to do some certified courses which can differentiate me from rest of the ppl, that’s why I’m applying for some certified (high level) courses which are as tough as CA, intact more than CA. So should I apply for these course now or later? And will I clear these courses with my MBA?
And I read shani dev stroat every Saturday as a remedy. Any other remedy if suggested, pls tell me..
Navneet Khanna
KeymasterDear K, I have already replied to your questions. Please check if not then post again. I kindly request you to make a new Post for your questions, so that we can follow your questions systematically.
Navneet Khanna
Astrologer -
GuestHello Mr Navneet you had told me that the Moon needs to be made stronger for my Wife and you recommended that she wears a pearl Stone, can you please confirm that this is correct
GuestNavneet sir pls answer me as well.
Mr K I request you to start a new post and ask separately. 🙂
GuestHello Mr Navneet can you please let me know if my Wife needs to wear a pearl, can you please confirm if she has to wear a pearl because you told me last week that she does need to wear pearl so I just want to confirm if this is correct
Navneet Khanna
KeymasterDear Mr. K, Yes your wife should wear a Pearl in Silver ring. She should wear a “Sucha Moti” . Pearl is worn on a Monday in the morning during the period of Shukal Paksha.
Navneet Khanna
Astrologer -
GuestSir pls reply me…:(
GuestSir…Sir since I’m in a tier 2 college just MBA finance is not sufficient. I need to do some certified courses which can differentiate me from rest of the ppl, that’s why I’m applying for some certified (high level) courses which are as tough as CA, intact more than CA. So should I apply for these course now or later? And will I clear these courses with my MBA?
And I read shani dev stroat every Saturday as a remedy. Any other remedy if suggested, pls tell me..
Navneet Khanna
KeymasterI suggest that you do not open up so many front and make a total mess of yourself. Do things one step at a time. I dont understand your attitude, without even completing your course you have formed a decision that you should do some other course to make yourself better. It is like saying that you have decided that the course you are doing now is not good enough. If that is your attitude what justice you will do to that course.
Navneet Khanna
Astrologer -
Guestsir but its possible I feel , few of my seniors are doing and shall clear the program too. Doing this course is required…what does astrology say about my completion of this additional course?
And like you’ve said I worry too much which is Not good for my mind and health,I agree. But what to do Sir…Life and ppl are very different here. I’m yet not very comfortable here…Can you also tell me when will I start enjoying my life here? 🙂
Navneet Khanna
KeymasterYou will never enjoy your life if you worry too much. If I understand you correctly what you wish to do is two courses at one time, that is MBA and CA. Are they not two totally different streams. I suggest that you do not do this, do one thing and just focus on it. After you complete your course check out the opportunities and Im sure your institute will be doing job placements.
Navneet Khanna
Astrologer -
GuestYes Sir , I am trying to take things easy here. May be since I’m away from home for the first time so things are little difficult.
Yes my college does placements. As per your advice I’ll think about doing other courses.
As I remember you always said better days are from March. Can you tell me what kind of betterment in my life you meant for? And please tell me when will better days come in my life? -
GuestYes Sir , I am trying to take things easy here. May be since I’m away from home for the first time so things are little difficult.
Yes my college does placements. As per your advice I’ll think about doing other courses.
As I remember you always said better days are from March. Can you tell me what kind of betterment in my life you meant for? And please tell me when will better days come in my life as in peace and happiness terms too? -
GuestSir pls reply……
Thank you for always helping me… 🙂 -
GuestSir above is my last question… Pls answer..:)
GuestNavneet khanna sir g pls reply to my query…..
GuestSir pls reply.
GuestSir pls answer…
GuestSir? Pls ?
Navneet Khanna
KeymasterPlease send me your questions and Birth details once again.
Navneet Khanna
Astrologer -
GuestAs I remember you always said better days are from March. Can you tell me what kind of betterment in my life you meant for? And please tell me when will better days come in my life as in peace and happiness terms too?
GuestI’ve written sir…
Navneet Khanna
KeymasterYou have a good horoscope. Rahu mahadasha is going on and Mercury antara. There are challenges, but then you do have the capacity to fight Odds. Rahu – Mercury period can lower your confidence, especially when Mercury gets combust. You need to remember that you have enough good points that will take you ahead in life. You need to focus on your education and stop worrying about anything else. I specifically do not recollect in what context I said March 2017 period and thereafter will be better for you. Im sure there much have been in context to something which we must have been discussing earlier.
Navneet Khanna
Astrologer -
GuestOk. Thank you so much.
Can you tell me now, when will better days come? -
GuestSir pls tell me…
Navneet Khanna
KeymasterNo listen why you feel that you are passing through a Bad period. You have been wanting to do MBA for so many years and you finally getting an opportunity to fulfill your drems. In what terms is this period bad. Are you uneasy because you are away from home. Well these are testing times for you. There are times where you will learn to take decisions for yourself all independently. Your room mates could be different in their likes and dislikes, but so many people you will meet now in your life will be. Learn to handle them. Learn to take decisions for yourself, only then you will be able to take corporate decisions. What good is doing MBA when you cannot take decisions for yourself or cannot handle or get upset because of few people. How you think you will be able to take decisions of high responsibilities at corporate level. Trust me what you learn now will help you in your life in the future both professionally and personally. So enjoy yourself, be in your limits , don’t follow others blindly, but enjoy every moment of your life.
Navneet Khanna
Astrologer -
GuestYes sir..I’m totally into a new life. I’m much confident than before.. Adjusting here slowly.. Sir I’m little worried about my internshipand placement. Companies are coming for internship program but finance scope is not much here. Can you tell me will I get a good internship or internship bhi 2nd best??? 😀
GuestSir pls answer…:)
Navneet Khanna
KeymasterLike I told you before you have a good horoscope and you will do well professionally. Just concentrate on your studies and exams, rather then focusing on placements how.
Navneet Khanna
Astrologer -
GuestOk sir…what about summer internship you can say?
Companies are shortlisting candidates inspite of having one of the best score in my campus, I’m not shortlisted for the companies.. One both best company is coming for summer internship program(starting april 2017 to june 2017)by the end of Oct what are my chances of getting shortlisted for it? -
GuestOk sir…what about summer internship you can say?
Companies are shortlisting candidates inspite of having one of the best score in my campus, I’m not shortlisted for the companies.. One of the best company is coming for summer internship program(starting april 2017 to june 2017)by the end of Oct what are my chances of getting selected for it? -
Guest -
GuestSir .. .
GuestGood morning sir…
Guestpls tell sir…what about summer internship you can say?
Companies are shortlisting candidates inspite of having one of the best score in my campus, I’m not shortlisted for the companies.. One of the best company is coming for summer internship program(starting april 2017 to june 2017)by the end of Oct what are my chances of getting selected for it? -
Navneet Khanna
KeymasterYou will be passing through a period of Rahu – Mercury – Rahu. Rahu will be in Leo in transit , therefore I don’t feel that things will be easy and simple, but at the same time , it will not be something you cannot do well. As per your horoscope you have a good career, so being focused and committed is the recipe for success.
Navneet Khanna
Astrologer -
GuestSir but internship to abhi lagni hai..within January 2017…so now what you can say ?
GuestSir. ..