You do not have PithruDosha since Rahu and Sun are in the 4th house and not in the fifth house. There is nothing to worry about. Wayside astrologers will say that they are in the fifth house since they do not have a deep concept of Bhavas and its influence in life.
House Start Cusp End Planets in it
1st 7 Ta 48′ 19.59″ 22 Ta 48′ 19.59″ 7 Ge 48′ 19.59″ As
2nd 7 Ge 48′ 19.59″ 22 Ge 48′ 19.59″ 7 Cn 48′ 19.59″
3rd 7 Cn 48′ 19.59″ 22 Cn 48′ 19.59″ 7 Le 48′ 19.59″ Ju
4th 7 Le 48′ 19.59″ 22 Le 48′ 19.59″ 7 Vi 48′ 19.59″ Su, Me, Sa, Ra
5th 7 Vi 48′ 19.59″ 22 Vi 48′ 19.59″ 7 Li 48′ 19.59″ Ma, Pl
6th 7 Li 48′ 19.59″ 22 Li 48′ 19.59″ 7 Sc 48′ 19.59″ Ve, Ur
7th 7 Sc 48′ 19.59″ 22 Sc 48′ 19.59″ 7 Sg 48′ 19.59″ Ne
8th 7 Sg 48′ 19.59″ 22 Sg 48′ 19.59″ 7 Cp 48′ 19.59″
9th 7 Cp 48′ 19.59″ 22 Cp 48′ 19.59″ 7 Aq 48′ 19.59″
10th 7 Aq 48′ 19.59″ 22 Aq 48′ 19.59″ 7 Pi 48′ 19.59″ Ke
11th 7 Pi 48′ 19.59″ 22 Pi 48′ 19.59″ 7 Ar 48′ 19.59″ Mo
12th 7 Ar 48′ 19.59″ 22 Ar 48′ 19.59″ 7 Ta 48′ 19.59″