Question on Astrology

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    • #75578 Reply


      How does prayer help one in relieving her sufferings during a bad dasha or antardasha? If a planet is afflicted and one is supposed to answer for her bad karmas , she would be subjected to the law of nature and I don’t understand how prayers can soothe One’s issues as they are already disposed off by god .

    • #75598 Reply
      Navneet Khanna

      The whole basis is Hindu philosophy is to know yourself. Are you only the body – no, are you your mind no, because of our ignorance we identify ourselves only through this body and mind. But there is an existence in you which you need to understand that is neither the body, that is neither the mind. When a person is born, the planetary energy helps in creating that existence. It is based upon past karma. Astrology which is all about the influence of planets over us, which can help us know our past karmas. These can be good or bad karmas depending upon our past deeds. The suffering of a person is because of these karmas. These are karma which are past life karma and that karma which we are doing in our present life. The puja, prayers, remedies that we do help to harmonize our self with these planetary influences and eventually bring peace and harmony. Our suffering is not because of our choice but because of our ignorance. The moment we start to know who we really are and why we are where we are, we move in a path of harmonizing ourselves with the Truth (Divine). Puja, prayers, meditation are strong methods to connect with the Divine.

    • #75607 Reply

      Thanks Navneeth sir

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