what should i do for my child

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    • #32372 Reply
      baldev sharma

      Dear sir
      Pls help me as i want to get solutions from you for my baby girl.she is totally restless since birth ,very much irrirating,sleeplessness,does not eat proper diet milk etc
      Chaitanya sharma,15-08-2014,5:25pm Shimla.
      Moon sign made in Silver pendant will help if put round her neck .pls suggest remedies for her.
      She has mercury in 8th house of her kundli does it maje any loss of life yoga ?

    • #32383 Reply
      JVS Rao

      Dear Baldev sharma,
      Your daughter has longevity. Lagna sub lord Rahu is in the 9th house in Virgo. Rahu as a Node signifies Gemini the 6th house. Hence her constitution is weak.
      Again 6th cusp sub lord is Moon in 3rd house, in the star of Ketu in 3rd house in sign Pisces. hence she may have abdomen and intestinal problems.
      Moon in Ketu star gives her sleeplessness. Anxiety. Saturn is also aspecting Moon.
      Saturn is the sublord of 8th cusp. 8th house gives tensions. Hence Saturn is not useful for her.
      The dasa lord Ketu is in the 3rd house, in the star of Mercury lord of 6th house. 3rd house is house of eating food. 6th house shows dietary habits. Hence she will take food and recover in Ketu dasa Mercury bhukti from 02-09-2018.
      Venus dasa which starts from 30-08-2019 will give improvement to her. 5th and 11th cusp sub lord is Rahu. Hence pray Durga matha for her.
      Treatment in Homeo would be useful to her. Hence consult a good Homeo doctor.
      Good Luck

    • #32398 Reply
      K.Umamaheswaara rao

      Hello sir,
      You can use this colour ray method for 10days.
      colour ray method(instead of gemstones)
      In paper shops,celliphone paper sheets are sold at the
      price of rs10 for one sheet.Purchase a yellow sheet of
      celliphone paper.You make it 4 pieces,each measuring
      6inches x 4inches.
      Then you place one piece of yellow sheet(6inches x 4 inches)
      on your face at a distance of one inch from your face,for
      3mins.You have to close your eyes and stand before sun
      after 8am or 9am ,when the sun is bright.
      Sun rays will pass through yellow paper and enter your face.
      This is divine light which reduces planetary evils.
      You can keep yellow paper for 3 days and give a break
      for 3 days.Again you can apply yellow light for 3 days.
      [email protected]

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