When will I get back to India or near by country

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    • #152217 Reply
      Abhishek singh

      My date of birth21/11/1984 , place-sarangpur(mp)   ,time-4:45 am , iam living in USA many years , I want to know when I get a good job in India or when I will go back? Thanks

    • #152445 Reply
      JVS Rao

      Dear Abhishek singh

      I hope you will return India or nearby after 27-08-2024.

      Current period is Saturn dasa Venus bhukti Moon antara upto 27-08-2024.

      Dasa lord Saturn is signifying 3rd house (nearby place, movement from your place of living) Bhukti lord Venus is also signifying the same. Venus is the lord of 8th house also. 8th cusp sub lord Ketu is signifying  11th (fulfillment of desires) and 3rd house.

      Mars is in 4th house which means home land. Mars is in the star of Moon lord of 10th (profession) in 12th (abroad) applying to 1st (self efforts). To blend all these we can assume Mars can give you a job in abroad (foreign place from your present place i.c home land).

      On blending all these I conclude that you will return India and get a job in a government connected department in a nearby place after 27-08-2024. It should be sudden.

      Good Luck

      JVS Rao

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