when will my sister get married?

  • This topic has 4 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by k.umamaheswara rao.
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    • #16792 Reply

      Hello Myself Tapan. My question is that

      I want to know that when will my sister get married? we have seen many biodatas but not get right response, when will she get married and want to know about marriage yog.

      Name : Hinal
      Date of Birth : 19 October 1992
      Birth Place : Nadiad, Gujarat.
      Birth Time : 07:45 p.m. (19:45 in 24 hour)

    • #16795 Reply

      I am afraid she will have to wait till about 2020 to get married. She has some problems with her stomach and either heart or lungs too as per the time of birth. Are you sure her birth time details are correct. Read my blog navagrahastro.blogspot.in

    • #16798 Reply
      k.umamaheswara rao

      Her lagna is Vrishabha.
      She is presently running Budha period upto 2021.
      Budha is very important planet for her lagna.
      But it is spoiled as it is in 6th house.
      She has to do penance for 6months.
      The following is the method of doing tapas.
      1.Daily have 4 baths with cold water.
      In winter(when the climate is very cool,you can take
      daily 4baths with warm water).
      2.Avoid milk products,sweets,nonveg,fish,eggs,alcohols.
      You can eat ordinary meals and tiffins.
      You have to eat 30gms of raddish,10gms of
      ginger and 30 leaves of coriander and 20
      leaves pudina.
      Uncooked vegetables and uncooked green leaves
      contain divinity.
      3.Daily make 10 rolling namaskars on floor.
      4.Stand like a cow on four feet for 2 mins and
      chant Om Namah sivaya. for two mins.
      Take rest for 3mins.
      Then again do this for two mins.
      If you like some other mantra,you can do the same.
      Do like this 4 times,giving rest for 3mins
      after every two mins.
      You cant stand like a cow for more than two mins.
      5.Observe fasting on every Saturday.
      You can eat unlimited quantity of uncooked
      vegetables ,on the day of fasting.
      [email protected]

    • #16800 Reply

      All details are true and is there any chances for her to get married before 2020(I mean early.).

    • #16801 Reply
      k.umamaheswara rao

      I wrote about the horoscope drawbacks .
      She can practise tapas(penance) for at least for
      6months and thus improve prospects of marriage.
      [email protected]

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