Kalathra Dosha Meaning and Remedy

Kalathra Dosha Meaning and Remedy

Kalathra Dosha Meaning and Remedy

In Vedic Astrology, planets like Mars, Sun, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu are called malefic or “paap graha”. If these malefic planets are positioned in the 1st, 2nd, 4th,7th 8th and 12th house from ascendant or lagan, or moon lagan then they cause doshas.

What is Kalathra Dosham ?

Seventh house in a horoscope is called kalathra sthana or house. In simple terms Kalathra stands for spouse. The Kalathra karaka or significator in a male horoscope is Venus, while in the female horoscope it is Jupiter. The seventh house in the horoscope stands for spouse, bed pleasures, marital happiness, marital harmony, and partnership with spouse, Kalathra dosha means affliction to the house of marriage and problems in the marital life.

How Kalathra Dosha effect Married life?

Kalathra dosha causes trouble, delay in marriage and even separation. Therefore compatibility of both the bride and groom horoscope are very important to check for any doshas before marriage. Kalathra Dosha can lead to the following:

  1. Unhappiness in marriage
  2. Major delays in marriage
  3. Unable to get proper suitable match
  4. Family life devoid of love and happiness
  5. Couple may opt for separation
  6. Health issues to the married partners

How Kalathra Dosha occurs?

To check Kalathra dosha in a chart, we need to study the 2nd, 7th and 11th houses. 7th house has been given the most importance in evaluating this dosha because 7th house is the house of spouse and marital life.

  1. Venus and Mars combination, especially in the 7th house. Such a native will attract affection with member of the opposite sex. However if 4th house, which is the house of chastity and its lord are not afflict with malefic like Sun and have benefic aspect of Jupiter, then such a tendency will not arise.
  2. Placement of Rahu
  3. Lord of Seventh house is combust
  4. Rahu and Sun are in the 7th house.
  5. Debilitation of 7th lord
  6. 7th Lord in 6th, 8th and 12th house
  7. Association of 7th lord with lords of trik bhav (6th, 8th and 12th houses)
  8. Other planet debilitated in 7th house
  9. Presence of Venus in 7th house

It is very important in Kundali Milan or Horoscope Matching that if Kalathra Dosha is there then appropriate remedies are performed and only then the native will get marital happiness. There are Puja remedies for kalathra dosha which can cancel Kalathra Dosha and the native can lead a very happy and normal life after marriage

Order a Paid Report on Kalathra Dosha and know the appropriate remedies for free. Know your married life in detail and how you can improve things astrologically. Select “Add to Cart” to Get the Detailed “Detailed Marriage Report” written by Astrologer Navneet Khanna.

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68 thoughts on “Kalathra Dosha Meaning and Remedy

  1. I feel suicidal most of the times and feel world has ended for me … there is nothing left for me…… I had my marraige a year ago ….. that time pandits said it’s matching …. but after 1 year ….. I am having serious trouble …. I lost everything ….. I analysed the horscope and searched the Google ….. found that 8th house and 7th house are having mars …. that’s not good pls comment …. I will b thankful ……. please

    1. Both charts have Mangal dosha so they are compatible on the Mangal dosha front. However Saturn and Mars in the 7th house of your horosocpe is not good. Marital life remains disturbed. Doing remedies of Saturn and Mars are important.


      Navneet Khanna

  2. I have trouble to get my suitable match , I need to know in detailed if I’m having any dhosam ? Most of the pandits say I have, but I’m curious that I don’t have.
    – born on 22.10.1985 , at 1.55 am , Malaysia timing .

    1. Looking at your horoscope we see that there are three planets which are debilitated in your horoscope including Jupiter and Venus which is not good. The Rahu mahadasha is going on and antardasha of Mars is going on. The last antardasha of Rahu mahadasha is never good. You will enter the mahadasha the Jupiter Mahadasha in July 2016.


      Navneet Khanna

    1. Your place of Birth is required. Also please post your question in the Astrology Forum. Where you will get opinions from some of the best astrologers in india.


      Navneet Khanna

  3. Sir I’m meena Rasi Uthirathi star…suffering since 2009 till now. Lost every penny that I have earned and had to rely on friends and family for money. I been doing and trying very hard in so many ways but nothing is moving. Money just not coming you me…I have not earned anything. I feel like been screwe’d to the max. Please help me if you can. My dob 24.12.1963.time 1.42pm place Singapore.

    1. You are in the mahadasha of Sun and antardasha of Mercury, you will soon enter the antardasha of Ketu in September 2016. Sun and Ketu are posited in the 10th house in your natal chart forming the Surya Gharan dosha. I do not see any major improvement going forward, however you should look for a job. Anything you get will be a bonus and will help you give stability in the period ahead. Doing the Surya Mantra “Om Ghrini Suryaya Namaha ” 108 times daily will help.


      Navneet Khanna

  4. Helo sir,

    Myself priya. My age is 35 still I cant get my perfect match. My birthdate 19-07-1980
    Birth place :- mumbai birth time :- 23.12PM

    Please let when will I get married?

  5. Hi Sir,

    My Birth Date is 03-May-1990 04.26PM. Please let me know do i have any dosam and what should i do for that

  6. Hello,
    Firstly, I am least interested in marriage. but somehow I fell in love with a person who is ten months younger to me(don’t know his age before)..therefore my parents are not agreeing for our marriage…
    I don’t want to get married throughout my life…It’s not because am not able to marry the person I love but is my lack of interest on marriage..also I have saturn in seventh house..DOB: 31/08/1992..05:03AM..any suggestions for me?

  7. Hello sir,
    but my parents are looking for matches currently….If I get married this year by any chance, will that relation last longer?

  8. which rasi and star of groom is suitable for my daughter 04/03/1994 place of birth: Thanjavur.. please let me know any thosam for my daughter and remedies please. when she will get married..

  9. Read my article “Astrology – A new version” on blog navagrahastro.blogspot.in and you will know how to check horoscope matching. Just a Rasi and star matching alone is not at all sufficient.

  10. Hi sir
    My birth day 13-11-1992,23:40 pm,every one telling g me that I had kalathra dosham, because of that is any problem in my marriage life & when I will get married

  11. Hello Sir,

    I am suffering from delay in marriage.
    What is causing this delay?
    Please let me know by when I can get married?
    Is there any remedy for the same?

    Name : Abhishek
    DOB : 23 oct 1985
    Time : 11:45 PM
    Place : Jalna, Maharashtra

  12. Who said you are suffering? Do you think that your sufferings will stop with getting married? You may sometimes suffer more than what you are suffering now after marriage. It all depends on the horoscope matching between the husband and wife.

  13. My sons marriage is getting delayed in spite of our sincere efforts. Couple of times about to confirm and it got disturbed subsequently.
    His DOB – 27 the October 1990 / Time – 3.55 Pm / Place : Rasipuram (Salem District).
    Kindly bless us and guide us to make things positively.

    I am in deep sorrow and guilty feeling for having not done my responsibilities in RIGHE Time.



    1. In the horoscope of your Son, we see that 7th lord Mercury is in the 8th house and combust which is not good. Saturn is in the 10th house and aspects the 7th house. The Saturn aspects brings delays and obstacles. Venus the karka is also weak as it is combust as in the 8th house. Rahu mahadasha is going on. The strong period of marriage is after may 2018. Doing the remedies of Rahu will help.


      Navneet Khanna

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