Mantra for Removing Negativity and bring positivity in life

Mantra for Removing negativity

Powerful  Vedic Mantra for Removing negativity and bring positivity in life.

If you want to be successful and achieve great things in life, then the first thing which is necessary to do is to remove all the negative thoughts from your mind. Being always positive encourage to never give up even if you are failing to do something.

It is strongly believed that Mantras have lot of Divine powers. It can help to heal any pain and emotional wounds from within. This healing comes from within and helps you on numerous fronts in your life.

However, there is a mantra to remove your negative energy. This mantra helps in extracting energy from the spine for healing. This Magical healing mantra is mentioned below:

Mantra for Removing Negativity



Meaning of these words:

PRANA-  Vital life force.

APANA-  Great cleaner of our system. Downward moving force.

SUSHUMNA-  Channels for the life force.

HARI/HAR-  Great creative Infinity.

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प्राणा अपाना शुष्मणा हरी

Prana Apana Sushumna. Hari

हरी हर हरी हर हरी हर हरी

Hari Har Hari Har Hari Har Hari


Prana is the force of life, and Sushumna is the central channel for that force. This helps attract energy to the spine for healing. Hari and Har are the names of God.

This mantra is very powerful and healing. It is a powerful Mantra for Removing negativity. It helps in healing both physically and emotionally.

While you chant this mantra, focus on your breathing and as you inhale, you will see that vital energy is purifying your entire body.

Apana helps in removing the negative energy. Hari and Har are the names of the divine source of infinite energy. The word Hari has come from the word Hara which means “pain remover”.

With Apana, you may notice that all the pain and negativity present in your body are being removed. Each cell of your body will be healed and illuminated by Prana.

The five Vayus refers to the functioning of energy in our body. Prana is constant within us and all the living beings which can be seen through our actions, movements, and feelings. Prana is within us from the day of our birth and will remain with us till our last breath. The base of Prana is in the upper part of the body, in the mouth and the throat which also refers to the fifth chakra “VISHUDHI”.

The energy of Apana is the reverse of Prana. Apana’s function is to eliminate what the body does not need, including energy. It cleans the body and the energy of Apana is in the lower body where the digestive system is located.

Apana also works by force because it is united with Prana through the central channel of our body, both energetically and physically.



Listen or sing this beautiful mantra to remove the negative energy from within and around you.



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