Rid of negativity

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    • #39674 Reply

      When will I be able to me happy and filled of positive thoughts and my mind will work according to my desire

    • #39675 Reply
    • #39693 Reply
      K.Umamaheswara rao

      [email protected]

      1. Astrology is esoteric science. This science
      is mainly intended to know planetary weaknesses at your birth time,
      which rule the future of person’s life for the next 70years.
      Sages say penance means doing austerities involving body suffering,
      along with food discipline and sex discipline.
      2. Easy remedies like puja,japa,homam and visiting temples will have effect only
      when they are combined with tapas.
      Precious stones are being sold canvassing that bad planetary effects will
      be minimised or removed. If it is true,rich people can wear any number of
      costly stones and prevent calamities in their life.
      3. Homams are also costly affair nowadays.
      In the ancient days saints did homams regularly for years together,
      while observing celibacy ,fasting and offering
      prayers in difficult yoga asanas.
      Astrology is a great science which will enable you to know your genetic defects.

      4. Each planet is big bundle of energy rotating around sun. Earth is also one such planet rotating around sun. While rotating, these planets produce different vibrations in 12 different signs of zodiac. Sages found with higher knowledge, that the planets give different results to individuals borne at different times in a day or month. They also found that the every individual is also mini energy field like every planet. The energy field of an individual can be increased by doing tapas (penance) for a few years, observing sex and food disciplines.
      5 Secret of birth-
      A soul enters the uterus of a lady before getting delivered on to this earth..A soul wantonly chooses the uterus of such a lady,whose sins or good deeds match with those of its own..Some supernatural power or God ,will make it difficult for the soul to enter the uterus of better lady or better family..Soul is somehow restricted by a divine software,by the negative or positive deeds of previous birth.So,it is in your own interest ,you have to do penance and other good deeds,to get a better family in the next birth.
      6. Pranic energy or divine energy or quantum energy is spread throughout the universe.Every individual contains a minute quantity of that pranic energy. Pranic energy is small bundle of divine force inducted into the body in the second month of pregnancy.This pranic energy enables you to breathe throughout life and gives energy to heart,liver,lungs and kidneys to function until you die.Dealth occurs when pranic energy is exhausted. Kundalini is a bundle of nerves at base of spine.Bad karma spoils kundalini.
      7.Bad placement of planets in horoscope leads to financial
      and health problems.For health problems,3 or 6 months
      practice is sufficient..For financial or other problems,12 or
      24 months practice of penance is necessary.
      YOu have to do penance for 12months,to remove
      the negativity in horoscope.

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