Want to know about my my career

  • This topic has 4 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 8 years, 8 months ago by Sanjoy Sinha Mahapatra.
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    • #11567 Reply
      Sanjoy Sinha Mahapatra

      Hello sir I want to know about my career and what in which field I should focus for better future

      place of Birth : Simlapal,
      Dist – Bankura
      State -wb

      Date ; 01/01/1993
      Time : 12.35am

    • #11581 Reply
      Navneet Khanna

      Looking at your horoscope we see that you are in the mahadasha of Ketu and antardasha of Ketu. Ketu is debilitated in your horoscope in the 9th house which is the Bhagyastan. Debilitated Ketu in the 9th house is not auspicious, as it brings delays and obstacles in the natives life. Plans will not be implemented and unwanted stress. Ketu in the 9th house, will not make the native concentrate and focus on goals. Therefore for you doing the puja and remedies of Ketu is very important.

      Your Career will see many chances as 8th lord Mars is posited there. However you can look at computers, Banking, media, education, Govt job, MBA are some of the lines that suit you.


      Navneet Khanna

    • #11586 Reply
      Sanjoy Sinha Mahapatra

      Thank you sir For your kind advice but sir You said “Your Career will see many chances as 8th lord Mars is posited there ”

      Is it chances or changes ?

      If chances then what kind of chances you are saying about ?

    • #11587 Reply
      Navneet Khanna

      Yes changes , as 8th lord is a malefic planet and it will brings ups and down on the career front.


      Navneet Khanna

    • #11598 Reply
      Sanjoy Sinha Mahapatra

      any remedies

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