Career Prediction

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    • #137677 Reply

      My details:

      DOB- 07/06/1999

      Time- 5:23 PM

      Place- Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh

      Gender: Male

      Will I be able to clear UPSC or some other good govt exam and if yes then when ?

    • #137678 Reply


      To start with, please confirm if the stated birth-date is 7th June or 6th July. Also, let me/us know if birth-time is accurate. Further, it would make sense to provide some background (academics and otherwise) and help set the context for your stated aspiration.

      Take care…

    • #137682 Reply

      The birth date is 7th June and the time is accurate

    • #137688 Reply


      As called out previously, please provide some background and help set the context.

      Take care…

    • #137690 Reply

      I am pursuing competitive exams not able to crack as of now, academically I have been good. Wanted to know whether it will be govt service or should I look for other options.

    • #137695 Reply


      Given birth-details seems to place Udaya Lagna in Sandhi/Cusp – caught in transition on the edge, just past Libra/Tula Rashi and barely into Scorpio/Vrischika Rashi (seems to have changed a couple of minutes earlier). It is posited in the Lunar Constellation of Vishaka Nakshatra, ruled by Jupiter/Guru-dev. Hence, the to check/validate accuracy of birth-details.  In any case, it would make more sense to consider birth time evaluation (BTE)/rectification (BTR)… instead of speculating.

      Using the shared information, it looks like you are in the midst of Saturn/Shani-dev’s Maha-Dasha. He is placed in his Neecha-Sthana or sign of debilitation and seems to have below par Vimsopaka Bala, Antara is that of Rahu…and soon to start that of Jupiter/Guru-dev, who is conjunct Saturn/Shani-dev in Aries/Mesha Rashi. If Udaya Lagna is indeed placed in Scorpio/Vrischika Rashi, then the upcoming Antara starting March 2024 and lasting for a couple of years should be a decent Raja Yoga period. If you’ve indeed done well in academics, I suspect accuracy of birth-time. In any case, I’m inclined to think you are better off being open minded to consider all good options.

      Further, the concept of Desha-Kaala-Patra (Place/location, Time and Role) plays a significant role in unfolding of Karma for an individual. In the current day/time and on a virtual (internet) platform, we are forced to side-step all prescribed processes – including the need of meeting the querent in person, quiz and connect with his/her background to understand the context etc. So, most often… we end up speculating outcomes.

      Ideally, it would make sense for querents to provide more background information ( more the merrier), with relevant details to help set the context and validate my/our understanding of the  birth-chart.

      Take care…

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