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    • #138555 Reply
         I am facing very hard time,only death is the option.pls tell me when will I die?and will I die naturally in sleep?

      1. Gender female
      2. Dob 27 August 1987
      3. Tob 14.23 mins PM
      4. Pob Aurangabad maharashtra

    • #138562 Reply


      Given birth-details seem to placed Udaya Lagna or Ascendent in a Sandhi/Cusp, just crossing over to the Zodiac sign of Sagittarius or Dhanur Rashi, a few minutes earlier and posited in the Lunar Constellation of Moola/Mula, ruled by Ketu.

      Moon/Chandra is placed in the 10th house of Karma-Sthana in the Zodiac sign of Virgo or Kanya Rashi and posited in the Lunar Constellation of Hasta Nakshatra, ruled by himself. He is very closely conjunct Ketu.

      Sun/Ravi, Mars/Kuja and Venus/Shukra are all closely conjunct while being placed in the 9th house of Bhagya-Sthana in the Zodiac sign of Leo or Simha Rashi. They are all posited in the Lunar Constellation of Magha Nakshatra, ruled by Ketu.

      In any case, you are in the midst of Jupiter/Guru-dev’s Maha-Dasha (as per Vimsottari Dasha system), who will be benefic either way… as a Lagna & 4th lord or 2nd & 5th lord. He is Vakra or Retrograde, while being placed in the Zodiac sign of Aries or Mesha Rashi and posited in the Lunar Constellation of Ashwini Nakshatra, ruled by Ketu. So, there is a very strong foot-print and undeniable influence of Ketu. He seems to be playing a very critical role in the unfolding of Karma in your life.

      But then, the combination of Jupiter/Guru-dev invariably put you on the path of salvation or liberation. So, spiritually inclined elevated souls would essentially be seeking what you seem to be blessed with. You are perhaps swimming against the strong Karmic currents and are feeling the way you are… Instead, it might not be a bad idea for you to stop struggling and go with the flow (easier said than done). In any case, the Planetary forces are at play for a very good reason and seem to be inclined in taking you on a spiritual path. My sincere advise is that you get rid of negative and abrupt thoughts use the opportunity to get offload your Karmic burden.

      It might not be a bad idea for your consider offering special prayers on a regular basis to Lord Ganesha and seek blessing of Guru figures in real life (or offer prayers to Guru Raghavendra Swamy, Guru Nanak, Shirdi Sai Babu etc,), with unwavering faith, bhakti/devotion and a strong Sankalpa.

      Take care…

      Take care…

    • #138580 Reply
      1. Buddy ji thanks for reply
      2. I am educated but still lazy depressed &parasite.(so no job,no marriage, no friends,no social life)
      3. Is there any chance some1 will take my responsibility of my whole life and love me unconditionally despite my lazyness depression &parasitic traits(I can’t do anything on my own)?
      4. By any chance will the guy (husband) be filthy rich?(as in normal life a girl is supposed to be active positive and not parasite)
      5. Pls reply as no1 understands me
      • #138590 Reply


        Having wants and high expectations is what I meant earlier… about swimming against the strong Karmic currents and staying in the vicious circle. In doing so, you are naturally feeling the way you currently are. Please realize what is going on and try your best to get out of the rat-race.

        Take care…

    • #138581 Reply

      i also wants to die

      pl tell me also,  when will i die and how

      21 may 1988

      13:45 pm

      new delhi


      • #138639 Reply

        Pls tell

    • #138587 Reply

      I have been facing fitment &loneliness  issues since always.

      When will I stop being misfit &lonely?

      When will I get some1 who understands me and who is understood by me.

      • #138591 Reply


        As called out earlier, there is a strong foot-print and influence of Ketu. Please consider the remedies shared previously. It might also help if you were to care for and feed stray dogs.

        If not, loneliness could very well tend towards melancholia

        Take care…

    • #138596 Reply

      Thanks Buddy ji.

      I am also seeing middle class rishtas but guys are rejecting me since 10 years.

      So I asked for filthy rich &unconditionally loving understanding husband.

      Could u pls tell whether I ll get such husband if I follow remedies given by u.

      As now almost all middle class guys are married and no1 is left.

      So according to me waiting for rich guy is flowing with current. And still trying & thinking making mindset for middle class rights is swimming against current.


      Though my opinion thinking changes vice versa like a bipolar person.


      Could u pls exactly tell abt marriage prospects with filthy rich understanding guy. As 1 astrologer said I ll get filthy rich understanding guy but time (when will I get such husband ) is hidden.

      So much decision making is impossible &blocked as time is hidden.

      Rather he scared me off middle class rishtas

      .that astrologer said either stay single forever or marry filthy rich loving guy but don’t marry middle class guy.

      In this scenario middle class guys are rejecting me so I tend to believe I ll get rich loving guy but due to hidden time my opinion thinking gets reverse.


      Chaos in my head and behavior.


      Pls reply exactly in yes or no whether I ll get filthy rich unconditionally loving husband and if yes when?


      Pls pls reply

      Last time bothering u.


      Pls reply



    • #138597 Reply

      Making mindset for middle class rishtas (not rights) is swimming against current.


      Waiting for filthy rich unconditionally loving husband is swimming with current (being on right path)


      Pls clarify



    • #138598 Reply

      But then, the combination of Jupiter/Guru-dev invariably put you on the path of salvation or liberation. So, spiritually inclined elevated souls would essentially be seeking what you seem to be blessed with.



      Does this mean I will get filthy rich unconditionally loving understanding husband?

    • #138599 Reply
      1. ). In any case, the Planetary forces are at play for a very good reason and seem to be inclined in taking you on a spiritual path.

      Does this mean I will do social work &philanthropy aft marrying filthy rich unconditionally loving & understanding guy.


      Pls don’t misunderstand as whenever I make up my mind for middlemen class rishtas I get severe panic attacks &I fell like strangulating my self and behaving bad quarreling with my old widow mom.


      She deserves better so my mindset tends  to keep my self on filthy rich unconditionally loving understanding husband.


      Sorry I am not greedy but I am optionless and on dead end.

    • #138601 Reply

      That astrologer said if I marry middle class guy,divorce within 1 year will happen and u will be admitted to mental asylum forever.


      So I am waiting for filthy rich guy.understanding loving etc. will be known to me only & only after I get married.

    • #138620 Reply


      You’ve stated the following about yourself, as also called out your list of wants and expectations:

      2. I am educated but still lazy depressed &parasite.(so no job,no marriage, no friends,no social life)
      3. Is there any chance some1 will take my responsibility of my whole life and love me unconditionally despite my lazyness depression &parasitic traits(I can’t do anything on my own)?
      4. By any chance will the guy (husband) be filthy rich?(as in normal life a girl is supposed to be active positive and not parasite)

      you’ve also asked the following…

      So I asked for filthy rich &unconditionally loving understanding husband.

      Could u pls tell whether I ll get such husband if I follow remedies given by u.

      As now almost all middle class guys are married and no1 is left.


      Now, let’s get a little realistic. Given that you are well past 3 years of age and all middle class guys are married and no1 is left, do you think a lot of rich fellows are unmarried and looking for lazy, depressed and parasitic individuals to be their wife???

      On the sidelines, let’s assume you are blessed/lucky and happen to stumble across somebody meeting your list of expectations… what is it that you are going to offer from your side? Why would such a person want to marry you, shower you a lot of unconditional love and take good care of you, all your life.

      All said and done, you still have a decent Yoga for getting married. There is also a good Dhana Yoga. So, I’d suggest that you reflect a little bit of the situation, be a bit more reasonable/flexible  in your approach.. more importantly, be open to unconventional alliances and God (please do consider suitable remedies) willing things will work out.

      PS: Apart from the influence of Ketu, please be informed that you have a nasty and uncontrollable temper… something that could mess things very badly for you. This could be another reason for your current situation. Please do remember not everybody will tolerate you like your Mom seems to do.

      Take care…

    • #138627 Reply

      Buddy ji thanks to tolerate me.

      I understand everything but not able to implement.

      This is why I want to die as I know that I am a waste on earth.I contribute nothing to any1.


      Pls don’t misunderstand. I believe in euthanasis.and want to know abt death.


      Pls reply when will i die and will I die naturally in sleep?

      Pls reply death question that will help me control stress and consequently anger temper issues will be under control. Death question ‘s ans will be like therapy for me.


      As I will tell myself just 2 years to die or 10 years to die.

      1 astrologer told me that i will die naturally in sleep at the age of 45. Is that true?

      Pls reply.

    • #138633 Reply


      As called out earlier, you still have a decent Yoga for getting married. There is also a good Dhana Yoga, as per your birth-chart. So, I’d suggest that you reflect a little bit of the situation, be a bit more reasonable/flexible  in your approach.. more importantly, be open to unconventional alliances and God (please do consider suitable remedies) willing, things will work out.

      Take care…

    • #138661 Reply

      I shall highly be obliged with u if u tell when will I die & whether I will die in sleep?

      Pls try to look this positive &therapeutic way.

      I beg of u a  lot of times.

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