fear of jobloss

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    • #42922 Reply

      my husband akshay date of birth=2/7/1982
      time of birth=night 23:55
      place of birth=udgir/bidar maharashtra

      my date of birth=29-5-1985
      time of birth=morning 8.50
      place of birth=aurangabad maharashtra.

      I am housewife and married to lower middle class boy of poor parents.
      will we both become rich in future?

      { as he/my husband may or may not loose his job next month. Will he be in same job in gurgaon or he needs to search new job in badlapur mumbai? will he get new better job? will he do well in shares investments?}

      if he is gonne search new job in badlapur mumbai, within how many months or upto what time(month and year) he will get new job?

    • #42927 Reply

      Any time soon, he will shift residence to somewhere close to his native place and he will have stability in career. He will start his Venus MahaDasa on 18 April 1986 and that change should bring him good. So suggest wait for some more time. Read SriKrishnaKarnamrutham daily.

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