Career in my birth chart

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    • #73931 Reply

      Sir,my date of birth is 2nd june 1982,time of birth is 9.20pm and place of birth is i have a good career .will i be financially sound.i do not want yo know any thing about what properties i will onherit from my parents iam not interested in acquiring any properties from parents. Will i earn any properties by my own efforts.

    • #74015 Reply

      As per your horoscope when you put in efforts worth of 100 unit, your returns will be that of around 90 units worth only. And you will have more of wasteful expenditure, losses etc. However you will have good inheritance while you will not be financially sound.

    • #74031 Reply

      Sir,what kind of a person am i?will i take care of people dependent on me?will i do any charitable works in this life i have morals and ethics.why i asked all these questions are i am going through a bad phase in my life.i know what i am but i am scared these testing times might change me into a bad human being which i dont want to become.

    • #74032 Reply

      You can get answers to such imaginary questions if you can come through Paid consultation when you will be provided with a scientific evaluation of your horoscope. Read my blog Navagraha Astrology Online

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