Career : Civil services

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    • #136642 Reply

      D.o.b.  25/02/1992

      11:08 a.m

      Place: Dehradun, Uttarakhand

      I have been preparing for civil services. Till when Will I succeed? What other alternatives should I consider alongwith it.

    • #136646 Reply


      You are currently in the fag-end of Ketu Maha-Dasha which has not really been favorable for you… specially in the early part, with Sade-Sathi or Saturn/Shani-dev’s transit across natal placement of Moon/Chandra – more so, with Moon/Chandra being placed in his Neech-Sthana or sign of debilitation.

      You’ll soon (from March 2024) be transitioning over to Lagna Lord Venus/Shukra Maha-Dasha, which I think will bring about a significant change in your life.

      Take care…

      • #136652 Reply

        Yes, I’am at the end of Ketu mahadasha. But will Venus mahadasha bring good career options for me? I’am already preparing for civil services.

        • #136991 Reply

          yes i think so venus maha dasa will be better . saturn is 9th and 10th lord


          so saturn antar around 2025/2026.  can bring positve result.


          [email protected]

        • #137011 Reply

          Thank you

      • #136841 Reply

        Should I keep trying for civil services or should I prepare for some other Government job? What path should be considered better for me.. Please help

        • #136847 Reply


          You are getting close to 32 years of age. In my humble opinion, you seem to have limited Yogas for clearing Civil Services in the immediate near/short or medium term.

          If its of any consolation, you seem to have opportunities to travel and live in a distant/foreign land.

          Take care…

        • #136848 Reply

          Actually I’ve resigned from public sector job for civil services. However things are not going the way I had ever imagined. Do I still have opportunities in government sector. Or else what should I consider? I am married and considerably under pressure. I do not want to quit my preparation,but I don’t know which path to lead. It would be extremely helpful if you could please guide me.

          Thanks and regards

        • #136856 Reply


          Turn of events, as stated in your note is very much along anticipated lines – would have made sense to have checked possibilities earlier. As called out previously, Raja Yogas will materialize a few years later… although long distance travel could to be on the cards in Venus/Shukra Maha-Dasha.

          In any case, it would help if you could possibly help me/us understand your fixation and fascination with Government job. Wonder if it has anything to do with your nature – not sure if you’ve realized it though (for you might have some protection in a Government job and might not be tolerated in Private sector). Moon/Chandra being placed in his Neecha-Sthana or sign of debilitation with very little support on the flanks, making you a bit of lonesome person with very few friends or social life – not to mention your explosive temper, making it hard for you (as also others) hard to work with.

          It would probably make sense to validate collective or combined Karma, if birth-details of spouse were available.

          Take care…

        • #136857 Reply


          Spouse details: 24/09/1992

          Time: 13:05 (01:05 pm) Dehradun

          Since after graduation I started preparing for government jobs and cracked it in very first attempt, later gave me confidence to go for civil services with much inclination towards helping others and serving the nation,and all the pride and respect that comes alongwith the job. However after resignation,things didn’t fruitify.

          Also contrary to what every horoscope reader predicts, I’am a social butterfly with lots of friends.  Although, I’am very strict when it comes to professional front.

          Right now I’am just preparing with hope of getting through civil services. However all the plans of my life are stuck due to this very step of mine.

          It would be extremely helpful for me if you could guide me for the same.

          Thanks and regards.





        • #136920 Reply

          Buddy please reply



          Spouse details: 24/09/1992


          Time: 13:05 (01:05 pm) Dehradun


          Since after graduation I started preparing for government jobs and cracked it in very first attempt, later gave me confidence to go for civil services with much inclination towards helping others and serving the nation,and all the pride and respect that comes alongwith the job. However after resignation,things didn’t fruitify.


          Also contrary to what every horoscope reader predicts, I’am a social butterfly with lots of friends. Although, I’am very strict when it comes to professional front.


          Right now I’am just preparing with hope of getting through civil services. However all the plans of my life are stuck due to this very step of mine.


          It would be extremely helpful for me if you could guide me for the same.


          Thanks and regards.



        • #136934 Reply


          I’ve had a chance to cast your husband’s birth-chart. There is no change in my assessment… in fact the assessment seems to be aligned with Karma unfolding in his life as well.

          In summary, I don’t foresee you clearing the Civil Services in the short or near team. In any case, I’d suggest that you go with the flow and enjoy life as it unfolds. This is easier for me to say…but hard for somebody with your mindset to follow.

          Take care…

        • #136939 Reply

          Thanks and wish you best for your future..

          Take care, god bless

        • #136968 Reply


          For the records and per my understanding the chances of success in the immediate short/near term is limited. But then, I would suggest that you exercise your will(power) to overcome the situation and/or prove my understanding to be wrong. If you are really passionate about your aspiration, do not give up easily – which I think could also be part of your Karma.

          Take care…

        • #137012 Reply

          Thank you. I hope that with time I gain more clarity. Life is unpredictable,and all we can do is believe in Karma and let things happen as per the wishes of the divine power and destiny.

          Thank you for your guidance.

          I wish I choose the right path.

          Best wishes to you as well. Take care

    • #136647 Reply


      By the way, you seem to have uncontrollable temper issues. When you lose your cool, you act like a completely different person… more like a dual personality. This is not good for you…will hurt and perhaps affect relationships.

      Take care…

      • #136659 Reply

        I’am considerably calm person. Rather ,I’ve become calm over the period of time. However, overthinking is an issue for me . If you could please predict the career options which are suitable for me,it would be of great help. Thanks

    • #136691 Reply

      Can someone help regarding the matter

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