Career growth

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    • #138616 Reply
      Rajesh Kumar

      Hi Sir,

      My name is Rajesh kumar Devarakonda

      DOB 4th February 1980 time 8.15AM place Karimnagar telangana. I am not getting growth in my career i want to work in abroad.Please check and let me know when I will get abroad opportunities.



      D.Rajesh Kumar


    • #138726 Reply
      Rajesh Kumar

      Hi Sir ,

      Please provide me the remedies for the career growth.


      D.Rajesh Kumar

    • #138897 Reply
      Navneet Khanna

      Please provide more information as what you are looking for on the career front.


      Navneet Khanna


    • #138937 Reply
      Rajesh Kumar

      Hi Sir,
      Thanks for the reply.I am facing lot of challenges in career like stress,office politics etc.I am also not getting recognition and salary hikes.I am trying for abroad jobs but not succeeded in the job search.
      Please provide me remedies to overcome career challenges and to get a job in abroad.



      Rajesh Kumar

    • #139287 Reply
      Rajesh Kumar

      Hi Sir

      Please Suggest remedies to overcome career challanges.



      Rajesh Kumar

    • #139330 Reply


      You are at the fag end of Rahu Maha-Dasha, ending in a little over a year, placed in the 7th house. Incidentally, all planets (other than 7th lord Sun/Ravi, uncomfortably placed in the 12th house and Lagna Lord Saturn/Shani-dev in the 8th house) seem to be caught in the Rahu-Ketu axis – including Mars/Kuja, the 10th lord of Karma-Sthana.

      As called out earlier, Sun/Ravi the signifier of elevated positions in one’s career is uncomfortably placed in the 12th house of Vyaya/Losses. Lagna Lord and Karma-Karaka Saturn/Shani-dev is placed in the 8th house of Randra-Sthana. So, looking for advancement and/or elevation in career will be easy – inspite of a multitude of Raja-Yogas.

      On the sidelines, there are a few good Raja-Yogas and Dhana-Yogas. So, I’m inclined to think monetary or financial well-being should not be an issue. But then, there is probably no end to greed, lack of contentment or satisfaction… more so since Moon/Chandra is close to Mrityu Bhaga and within the fatal Trimsamsa degrees (as per Phala Deepika and Brihat Parajapatyam). There are also going to be jealous folk who will wish ill…and  you will be susceptible or prone to evil-eye. Your anger issues, personality etc. is not being helpful either.

      Take care…

      • #139427 Reply


        Looks like there has been a typo… kindly take note of the following as the 2nd paragraph:

        As called out earlier, Sun/Ravi the signifier of elevated positions in one’s career is uncomfortably placed in the 12th house of Vyaya/Losses. Lagna Lord and Karma-Karaka Saturn/Shani-dev is placed in the 8th house of Randra-Sthana. So, looking for advancement and/or elevation in career will not be easy – in spite of a multitude of Raja-Yogas.

        Take care…

    • #139424 Reply
      Rajesh Kumar

      Hi Sir,

      Thanks for the detailed analysis.Could you please provide remedies to overcome the evil eyes.


      D.Rajesh Kumar

    • #139431 Reply


      It is said that regular chanting of Maha-Mrithyunjaya Mantra and living a Satvik or righteous life should help overcome any such issues.

      Take care…

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