Civil service exam

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    • #134130 Reply

      Will I clear ias ips or any upsc exam and become an ias ifs ips officer can I write the exam will I clear or I will not able to clear even after multiple attempts

      It will be very helpful if you guide me regarding this because most of the people out there spent years and years fir upsc exam and end up not clearing the exam as the exam require an immense amount hardwork many of the folks are left with only number of attempts not there desired post so as I believe in astrology and planet positions I don’t want to drain my energy and time if it’s not suitable for according to my kundli plz help me sir thank you

      DOB 22 03 2002

      TOB 9.30 PM


    • #134141 Reply

      There is Gaja Kesari Yoga – 10th house has Retrograde Guru and Moon. You will get a lot of name and fame.  Six House of profession has Sun and Venus in it , indication Government employment.

      There is a parivartan between Mercury and Saturn – This indicates a person with great Analytical skills. You will be able to clear competitive exams. Most probably it will be IPS department as there is Mars effect on Moon. There is a connection between 6th house and 10th house – meaning you will be famous in your profession.

      Please confidently prepare for competitive exams and you will be successful. As I can see you believe in Lord Vishnu , Please continue to worship him regularly. Recite Vishnu sahastra Nama regularly.

    • #134149 Reply

      Navneet sir plz replyy

    • #134155 Reply

      Okay mr Ramesh I’m so glad on your response and n how many years your an astrologer and how is it going on now

    • #134162 Reply


      Given birth-details place Udaya Lagna or Ascendent in Tula Rashi, with Sun/Ravi and Lagna Lord Venus/Shukra in the 6th house of Service/Debt/Disease. Moon/Chandra and Jupiter/Guru are placed in the 9th house of Dharma/Bhagya/Luck – incidentally both are posited in the Lunar Constellation of Ardra Nakshatra, ruled by Rahu.

      Incidentally, you are in the fag end of Jupiter/Guru Maha-Dasha and Antara of Rahu. Just so we are clear, Jupiter/Guru is not really a benefic for the birth-chart. Him being posited in the Lunar constellation of Ardra Nakshatra does not bode well. Further, he has below par Vimsopaka Bala.

      Venus/Shukra is unhappy/uncomfortable being placed in the house of Service/Debt/Disease as is Mars/Kuja in the house of Relationships. They are detrimental to related significance.

      In summary, I’m inclined to think the possibility of clearing Civil Services Exams will be a uphill task.

      Take care…

      • #134177 Reply

        So which carrer is best buddy

    • #134178 Reply

      So as you said every aspect of my life I should suffer am I right

    • #134189 Reply


      I’ve indicated clearing Civil Services Exams will be a uphill task, in response to your original query.


      Take care…

    • #134192 Reply

      Thank you to your reply buddy so though it is an uphill task will I able to clear or not or should I  not take the risk will be glad if you give a clear root 😀

      • #134213 Reply


        I wouldn’t bet on it, if I were a gambler.

        Take care…

    • #134204 Reply

      DOB: 23 April 2000

      Time of Birth: 17:25

      place: Nellore

      Will I be able to make it tot he merit-list and be commissioned into service ?

      I desire Foreign service. Not much inclined to Administration. Police is desirous as service and remaining I am ambivalent.

      Since there are many departments, advice me which are beneficial and which are not so as to aspire


      • #134216 Reply


        You’ve probably had a ball of a time after Ketu Maha-Dasha in your early childhood and start of Uccha or exalted Venus/Shukra Maha-Dasha… since May 2005, with a bit of trying/testing times during Sade-Sathi. Current time, starting from May 2021 until March 2024 is a fantastic Raja Yoga period.

        Sun/Ravi Maha-Dasha starting May 2005 will be a bit trying/testing, more so for father’s well-being.

        Anyways, back to your query…please let me/us know what is fueling your aspirations.

        Take care….

        • #134296 Reply

          Intentions are simple. To give my best for the country since I come from some very pleseant family where I have no obligations but only freedom to contribute., Hence the desire to write. Can we connect personally if possibly.


        • #134313 Reply


          I can understand your intention and relate to family support etc. But then, I’m forced to wonder about your abilities, considering Lagna Lord Mercury/Budha signifying intelligence being placed in his Neecha-Sthana or sign of debilitation – although Uccha or exalted 9th lord Venus/Shukra seems to have bailed you out. But then, Moon/Chandra signifying mind/memory seems to be adrift in the middle of nowhere, making you a bit lonely with few/fewer friends and little or no social life. He also seems to distract you and make your thoughts wander…

          On the sidelines, Jupiter/Guru-dev signifying wisdom is caught in the crowded 8th house of Randra-Sthana. He is conjunct Uccha or exalted 12th lord Sun/Ravi, 8th lord Mars/Kuja and 5th & 6th Saturn/Shani-dev, placed in his Neecha-Sthana or sign of debilitation. Upcoming Maha-Dasha will bring along a strong Viparita Raja Yoga and chances for unearned money or inheritance. You could also develop a strong interest in occult and mystic science.

          And, yes if we can connect separately.

          Take care…

        • #134330 Reply

          if my mail is visible to you, ping me there.

        • #134342 Reply


          No. The information is not visible to me.

          Take care…

    • #134252 Reply

      Thank you I asked for a clear answer

    • #134390 Reply

      Will I become ever be wealthy in anyways as many says as mercury is in 5th house without any planet these people will only be intelligent and don’t be rich only others will gain from our knowledge is this true…and accordingly do I have government job yoga in kundli

      Dob 22 03 2002 Tob 9.30 pm Pob coimbatore tamilnadu



    • #143095 Reply

      Name ; gargi

      Dob;18july 1998

      Time : 10:32 am

      Place; Bulandshahr UP

      Will i clear civil services exam 2024 or

      2025? I want to join administration or police services as an IPS? When will I clear this exam?

      Plz guide.

      M so eager to know. Only 2 attempts left . General category

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