Education question and anxiety and depression

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    • #119012 Reply
      Yashika Ahuja

      My date of birth is 20 july  1994 6:52 pm Delhi.I am graduate in English. I left MA English. I left b. Ed course due to severe anxiety. I wasted 1 lakh fee of parents. My home financial condition is not good. So please suggest should I do b. Ed in future since I am not getting any proper job without professional course. Anxiety problem is still there.

    • #119016 Reply

      You have already been answered to the same question earlier in April.

    • #119023 Reply
      Yashika Ahuja

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>Sorry to say Sir it was not clear to me.</p>

    • #119035 Reply

      You can come through paid consultation for a detailed scientific analysis of your horoscope.

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