House buying Problem

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    • #142339 Reply

      Hello ,

      My date of birth is 31st august 1982 .

      birth time : 9:18 am

      birth place: ahmedabad , Gujarat india

      I am currently living  in USA and planning to buy house but so far no success. sometimes i feel i am too afraid to take risk and always put negative thought first instead of positive. Please Guide me when I will be able to buy my house. I have space crunch as have kids and old age parents who are also living with me.

      I will appreciate your help.

      Thank you

    • #142414 Reply


      Given birth-details place Udaya Lagna or Ascendent in the Zodiac sign of Virgo or Kanya Rashi. Lagna Lord Mercury/Budha is strongly placed in his Swasthana and Moola-Trikona, alongside (making you intelligent – sometimes to the extent of being overtly good). Saturn/Shani-dev is unhappy and uncomfortably placed there… making your life a bit of a grind.

      Current Maha-Dasha is that of Jupiter/Guru-dev ruling 4th (House/Homely Comforts) and 7th houses (Spousal Relationship). Naturally, you are interested in buying a house (from 2019). But then, he is posited in the Lunar Constellation of Swati Nakshatra, ruled by Rahu… creating a version of Guru-Chandala Yoga. To make matters worse, he is placed very close to Mrityu Bhaga and within the fatal Trimsamsa degrees. Ketu placed in the 4th house is also activated – both Rahu and Ketu have below par Vimsopaka Bala in Dasha Varga. On the side Rahu will be fueling your fantasy and on the other Ketu will probably be putting up hurdles or road-blocks.

      On the sidelines, 11th lord of Labha-Sthana Moon/Chandra does not have much of support on either side… making you a bit of a loner, with few friends and limited social life. This also makes your mind wander. To make matters worse, he is posited in the Lunar Constellation of Uttarashada Nakshatra, ruled by 12th lord Sun/Ravi of Vyaya/Losses (strongly placed in his Swasthana in the Zodiac sign of Leo or Simha Rashi). So, naturally you will be bogged down by the possibilities of loss…

      Given the situation, it might not be a bad idea for you to consider propitiating affected planets/Grahas.

      Take care…

    • #142427 Reply
      Free astrology

      Yes there are chances that you will invest in property in next few months.

      For free astrology contact [email protected]

      • #146042 Reply

        Thank you SK Sharmaji. if you have any remedies to make planet happy which can help me and end my suffering please suggest.

    • #146040 Reply

      Yes Buddy , You are right , I am trying to get house since 2019 and never successful but now its time for me to do or die as the apartment i rent we out grow it .if i rent bigger place it will cost me more then owning house.  I have my parents living with me and my two kids. its really space crunch for me in this apartment. I started my searching again and trying my best to purchase. Hope I be successful for my kids this time.. I dont have financial probelm just too much thoughts ..

      Please wish me luck , just planning to send one offer tomorrow for a house which we like.


    • #146041 Reply

      Hello Again ,

      I am going to temple regularly every weekend. do Pooja in evening and offer prayers with diya to my kuldevi mata ,Ganapati Bappa,  lord mahadev and Ambe mata. Could you please guide me more what pooja / Vrat / Upvas should I do to make lord happy or to have Good Effect of planet on me. I used to do fasting on saturday and used to visit hanuman temple every saturday but i gave up when I moved to usa.

      also you are correct about intelligence too much intelligence is also bad , person give thoght to all scenerios and cant do anything.

      Please Guide me what should i do to make happy life for my seld and my family.

      Thank you

    • #146068 Reply


      Please consider strengthening Jupiter/Guru and Moon/Chandra by offering special prayers on a regular basis. Chanting Vamana Gayatri Mantra 108 times daily and practicing Yogasana/Meditation/Pranayama would be beneficial.

      Take care…

    • #146082 Reply


      I understand the following mantra is helpful for owning a house… kindly consider chanting the same as many times as you can, in multiples of 108.

      Om Kshetragnaaya Namaha

      Take care…

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