Looking at the Ashtkoot guna milan the guna milan is 26 out of 36. The minimum of 18 guna is required for marriage. The moon of male horoscope is in Scorpio, the Moon of the female horoscope is in Capricorn. Moon of both fall in 11 and 3 position which is auspicious. Both horoscopes have partial mangal dosha, what is called as Anshik Mangalik, hence compatible. The Rajju matching is auspicious. Marriage can be considered.
I want to know what are the perfect matching Stars and Sign for my birth Star and Sign and what are the starting alphabets suitable as per my horoscope.As told to you earlier,I am a divorcee with a child and I am in search of a suitable partner only after perfect horoscope match.So,your reply will be helpful to me to find a good partner. Give me some description about the future spouse to help me to identify.
22.11.1982 9.50pm place : Chennai,Tamil Nadu.(divorcee)
You need to go in for what is called a Horoscope Matching Vedic style where they do the ashtkoot guna milan along with Grah milan. They also match the Moon, as Moon is the mind in Vedic astrology, it compatibility is most important. If there is no mental compatbility the couple would end up with many differences which would only complicate their life. Matching of the signs as I can make out from your message is very basic and a western concept and is not recommended as it is not very ellaborate.