What does "4g bad" mean in Nakshatra-Yog chart?

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    • #90308 Reply
      B Mehta

      Please refer to this link below. It is a chart of Nakshatra-Yog combination for all days of the week.


      While most entries are Good or Bad, some of the entries under Yog column have values like “4g bad” , “5g bad” , etc.

      What does that mean? What does “g” mean in this?

      For example, this Thursday, 22nd August 2019, the Yog is “Padma” which has effect of “Dhana Labh” according to the chart, but it is also “4g bad”. What does that mean? Please help.

    • #90315 Reply

      It is some sort of unreliable Yoga which is not endorsed by Vedic astrology. Is it not meaningless that a certain duration of time based on Nakshathra is good, bad or ugly. These are misuses of astrology employed by wayside astrologers. All the planets act in tandem on all the living beings and Nakshathra which is Moon’s position in the zodiac alone will cause good or bad is meaningless.

      Read Navagraha Astrology Online to get a scientific explanation of how astrology can be used in our life similar to roadsigns are being used by a motorist.

      4g bad means 4 ghati bad, I presume.

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